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Title: "Place Your Bets"
Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hard sex and trash talk. Part Six in The Bet Series.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Author's notes: Finally, we get sex. Amen & hallelujah. *g*

"Fuck..." The word is strangled, low, as long fingers twist, move, prepare. "Do it."

"With pleasure." Hazel-green eyes, clouded with lust and need, close in ecstasy at the first smooth thrust home. " feel good..."

Hips shift, align as they start rocking, skin to skin, eager cock buried deep inside a willing ass.

"More..." It's ground out like a command.

"Just for you." Solid snap forward, each thrust a declaration of intent, ownership, as soft lips slide along a sculpted shoulder still damp from the shower, nuzzle a smoothly shaven head. "Like that?"

"Fuck yeah..."

The sheets are a tangled mess by the time they're done. The towel's long since been lost, and the suit? Well, it's hopelessly wrinkled. They both consider it well worth it. Later, plastered against each other in sweat-slick afterglow, blunt fingers trail along a newly smooth cheek.


"Just sayin' that cause you don't like stubble burn."

Blue eyes flash with amusement. "Neither do you."

Strong arms tighten around a solid body. "Well, season's over for both of us. Don't hafta worry about growing it again 'til August."

"You know I'm gonna kick your ass next year, right?"

Both smile. "Gonna hold you to it."

Onto The Next Bet

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