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Title: The Next Bet (Written by Jo)
Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck
Rating: PG13
Summary: Pre-Pro Bowl. Part Seven of The Bet Series.
Disclaimer: This so never happened.
Author's notes: See, there was this picture of Matt with a lei...

The jangle of the phone echoes through the door. Soft curses fill the hall. There's fumbling, then finally the keycard is out, sliding in the lock. Too late.

Silence in the room is almost a physical thing. Then loud ringing breaks the quiet. More cursing before a long body stretches across the bed and snatches up the receiver.


Slight pause, then a chuckle. "You always answer the phone like that?"

"The hell?" More chuckling. "Fucker."

"You love it. Saw you got lei'd."

Slow blink. "I got what?"

"Lei'd. Bright pink one."

Laid? What…oh. Oh. Right. "Oh, the lei."

"Yeah. Saw the pictures." Another pause, and the amusement is heavy. "What'd you think I meant?"


Outright laughter this time. "Gotta dirty mind there."

"Fuck you."

"That an offer?"

"Be a bit hard for you, wouldn't it?"

"I could make it hard for you…" Low and silky, the voice is practically purring into the phone. "Could be in Hawaii by tonight."

"You wouldn't dare." So sure of that. Shouldn't be.

"Wanna bet?"

Blue eyes narrow. "If I lose?"

"Gonna make you wear a grass skirt while I fuck you nice and slow."

"Yeah, right."

"See you in about ten hours."

Onto Double Your Bet

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