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Title: "Curveball"
Featuring: Dean & Sam Winchester
Rating: PG
Summary: What a typical conversation sounds like. Gen-fic
Disclaimer: Never happened. All rights belong to Eric Kripke, Wonderland Production and the CW, not me.
Notes: Dialogue only fic for Kate, who gave me the title.

"What the hell was that all about, man, I had a clean shot..."

"Too risky."

"That's it? Too risky?"

"Yeah, that's it. What more do you want?"

"Oh, I dunno, how about letting me take the shot. I mean, when's the next time I'm ever going to have a chance like that?"

"Yeah, well, I always wanted to pitch for the Kansas City Royals, so life's just full of disappointments. Deal."

"You know...the way they've been playing for the past couple of years, I bet they'd sign you even now."


"What, dude, I'm just saying that they'd probably sign Jose Canseco if they thought they could get a few decent at bats out of him, and he's so 'roided up that I wouldn't be surprised if he still has his balls."

"Seriously, did anyone ever tell you that you're a world-class geek?"

"Other than you?"

"Get in the damn car."

"Yes, Dad."

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