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Title: "Unbroken"
Pairing: Brian Slade/Curt Wild
Summary: When magic dies.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Baranduin, for the First Lines challenge.

The nights are the hardest. That's when the rough edges of the past come to dance, razor-sharp, under his skin, slicing through daylight defenses, leaving him weak and spent, reaching for another hit, another bottle, another warm body. Anything to dull the pain.

He wishes he'd never met Brian Slade, never said yes, never handed his art, his soul, his music to the one person that could destroy it with a word, exalt it with a kiss. Brian, with his fairy-starred looks and indomitable spirit...his muse, inspiration, the fire in every jangled chord, every anguished lyric.

Beautiful traitor.

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