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Title: "Slice of Life"
Pairing: Eric Bana/Orlando Bloom/Sean Bean
Rating: PG
Summary: Misspent youth.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For the Furorscribendi Three POV Challenge. For Dee, for putting the idea in my head.

"Ice inside your body
Blood inside your soul"

-- Bauhaus

"Fuck, I love this song."

"Yeah?" Orlando scoots his chair in closer, nods slowly to the sound of bluesy guitar playing from the jukebox. "Who is it? I've never heard it."

"Before your time, kid." Eric grins to take the sting out of his words, takes another swig of his ale. Granted, yeah, kid's not really a kid anymore. Still. Eric'd known him when he'd been one. Seems like a million years ago.

"Try me," Orlando says. His forearm brushes Eric's, and Eric can't tear his eyes away from the sight of a honey-brown wrist nestled against his own.

Sean wonders if Eric has any idea how much he's revealing right now. May as well put a sign on his forehead and be done with it. "It's by a Brit band," he replies, slouching back -- observing. "Bauhaus."

"You've heard 'em?"

"You sound surprised," Sean smiles. Salutes Eric with his half-full glass. "I grew up in the punk/goth era."

"I just didn't picture you as a goth fan," Eric shrugs.

"You have all the cool black latex clothing?" Orlando grins.

"Long time ago, yeah." Been ages since Sean's thought about it. Been ages since he's thought about a lot of things.

"Bet you looked hot." Orlando shivers just thinking about it -- about green eyes outlined in kohl, lean body swaying to a dark beat.

"I did alright."

"To the joys of misspent youth." Eric raises his glass, clinks it with Sean's.

"Who says I'm finished misspending it yet?" Sean asks.

Eric laughs -- nice, rumbly, low -- and Orlando smiles to himself when Sean just blinks and stares for a moment. "I like that," Eric says. "It's a good way to look at life."

"The only way."

Their eyes meet, connect, stay. Orlando makes himself still. Wonders how Eric's eyes would look in kohl.

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