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Title: "Second Act"
Pairing: Danny Ocean/Rusty Ryan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 200 words of bickering-as-foreplay. Spoilers for the end of Ocean's 13.
Disclaimer: Never happened. All rights belong to Warner Brothers, Jerry Weintraub, and Steven Soderbergh, not me.
Notes: Because, in my mind, this is how the film should have ended.

"Settle down and have a couple of kids? Is that the best you could do?"

Danny didn't bother to look up from his folded newspaper. A full tumbler of Scotch was in the holder beside him. "You called me fat."

Rusty chuckled, and dropped in the seat beside Danny, neatly stealing Danny's glass. "I never called you fat."

Danny raised an eyebrow, and finally looked up, meeting Rusty's amused smirk. "You implied it, and I was drinking that."

"We can share. Why're we going to London?"

"I didn't know we were."

"You still mad about --?"


"You sure?"


"Good." Rusty settled back, and fastened his seat belt. "So, London?"

Danny just shook his head, and pressed the call button to have another Scotch brought to him. "I have to see a guy."

"You have to see a guy?"

"I have to see a guy."

"Fair enough." Rusty's thumb brushed across Danny's knuckles, and the smile softened slightly. "Sure you're not --?"

"I was," Danny admitted, and returned the smile. "I got over it."

"Good." Rusty closed his eyes and sighed deeply in contentment as the pilot called for final check. "Otherwise it'd be a really long flight."

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