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Title: "Perfect Arrangement"
Pairing: Jason Statham/Seth Green
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes things work out just as they're meant to.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Written for the contrelamontre 'soundtrack' challenge. My song was "Dosed" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, not for lyrics, but for mood.

"Can I ask you something?" Seth asked, rolling on his side and propping his head on his hand.

"Yeah, alright." Jason glanced at him through half-lidded eyes. The sheets were a tangled mess around them, the bed warm from another bout of incredible sex.

"Why'd you choose me?" Seth scooted closer, laid his free hand on Jason's chest. "I mean, Mark's been giving you looks for weeks, and I'm pretty sure Charlie wouldn't kick you out of her bed."

Jason's reply was almost immediate. "You make me laugh."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, really." Jason smiled, laid his hand over Seth's. "I mean, beauty's a factor and all, don't get me wrong. Mark and Charlie are easy enough on the eyes, but it's not something they can control. You're born with your looks. The ability to make someone laugh is a gift."

"Uh--" Seth paused, suddenly at a loss for words. "Thanks, I guess."

Jason pulled Seth down into the cocoon of his arms, started massaging the back of Seth's neck. "What's all this about? Someone givin' you issue about you warming my bed?"

"No, it's not that." Seth turned his head, inhaled the rich, heavy scent of Jason and sex, sighing in contentment. "Just, I mean, look at you. Look at me. I'm, like, uber-geek boy and you're this--"

"I'm this what?" Jason a kiss on the top of Seth's head. "I'm just a bloke, Seth, same as you. Don't go thinking you're not as good as anyone else just cause you're not talented or tall or that well-endowed..."


"Alright, scratch the well-endowed bit," Jason said, grinning. "You're alright in that department."

"Thanks. I think."

"It's a compliment."

Seth lifted his head, stared hard into Jason's eyes. "You mean it, right?"

"Well, I ain't just sayin' it." Jason's hand was gentle on Seth's lower back. "Already got you here. No need for the bullshit."

"Yeah, alright." Seth smiled. "Wanna know why I picked you?"

"Cause I'm handsome and well-endowed, of course," Jason replied, winking.

"Cause you laugh at my jokes."

"Well, then." Jason lifted his head, brushed warm lips across Seth's. "Good arrangement, innit?"

"Yeah. Suppose it is."

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