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Title: "Measured"
Pairing: Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin
Rating: G
Summary: Stephen's not jealous.
Disclaimer: Never happened. All rights belong to Peter Weir, 20th Century Fox and Miramax, not me.
Notes: Double drabble, because the bunny bit.

"Tom thinks the world of you, you know," Stephen says, after Pullings has saluted and strode away, issuing orders to the captain of the watch. The Surprise pitches and rolls comfortably along a unexpectedly calm sea. The men are all whistling and relaxed – a refreshing change after the last few days of bad weather and short tempers.

Jack grins, easy, wide, hands resting comfortably behind his back as he surveys his crew. "Not getting jealous, are you, Stephen?"

"No." Stephen straightens to his full height. He pulls his vest down, shakes his head vigorously. "No, of course not."

"You certain?"

"He..." Stephen sighs, whispers, lest they be overheard. There aren't many secrets on a ship, but suspecting and knowing are two vastly different things. "Damn it all, Jack, he knows you. Knows what drives you, knows that glimmer when you speak of all things nautical and Navy."

"Yes, that he does." Jack nods again, risks brushing the tips of his fingers along Stephen's. His reply is just as soft, just as measured. And his eyes reflect all of the words he can't speak aloud. "But're the one who understands me. And that is worth its weight in gold."

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