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Title: "Idea Man"
Pairing: Jake Gyllenhaal/Jared Leto
Rating: R (language)
Summary: Jake has a theory on everything.
Disclaimer:Never happened.
Notes: Double drabble written for Dhyi for this fic challenge.

The problem with Jake was that he always had a theory. Had a theory on every fucking little thing, from guns to economics to comet formations to crotchless panties. And he was always spouting them, too, with that shit-eating grin of his that crinkled those baby blues just so, always blowing smoke from those goddamn, never-ending cigarettes as he droned on and on about this, that and every other thing. Like it was his mission in life to tell you all the answers, y'know, like he had them to begin with, and yeah, he was cute and earnest and had a great set of soft, full-looking lips on him, but fuck, the kid never stopped using them, and not in the good way. Just jabbered with the arrogance of youth, like you were just waiting, salivating even, for him to spring his whacked-out ideas on you like some unsuspecting...

"So...our characters. So gay for each other, man. Matching rings, acting all like a couple, arguing, constantly touching...yeah. Hot for each other, alright...maybe we should practice some of that, just to see what it adds to the film."

And that was the problem with Jake. Little bastard normally had a point.

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