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Title: "All"
Featuring: Josh Hartnett/Jake Gyllenhaal (Joaquin Phoenix)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Never make bets.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Jo, for stumping me with this fic challenge. Eventually, yes, I do get around to paying my debts. *grins*

"You're staring again."

"Maybe I like the view."

"View's nice. But the view's all you're getting from him. He won't touch you."

"Y'think I can't bag him?"


"Maybe? What the hell's that supposed to mean, maybe."

"It means maybe. You need a dictionary?"

"Don't make me kick your skinny ass."

"You can try."

", why d'you always to this to me?"

"Do what?"

"Dare me like that. Jesus."

"It amuses me. Besides, watching you try to work your mojo on Joaquin Phoenix will be more fun than I've had a long time."

"Not what you said last night."

"I know. But that was last night."

"What do I get if I do this?"

"Besides the pleasure of banging that? Or, more likely, getting banged by that, I should say."

"Yes, besides that."

"Greed's good, I like that about you. Alright, we'll sweeten the pot. You get him – and I'm not talking a quick handjob in the john, I mean, you have to have his cock up your ass or your cock up his ass – and I'll do that thing we talked about."

"With the...are you serious?"

"As a heart attack."

"Oh, fuck, man... Alright, you're on. You are so totally on."

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