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Title: Collecting The Bet (Written by Jo)
Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck
Rating: PG13
Summary: Post-Pro Bowl. Part Eleven of The Bet Series.
Disclaimer: This so never happened.
Author's notes: What can I say? The boys like to make bets.

Blue eyes smirk as easy footsteps carry him across the grass. Soft laugh when stunned hazel-green eyes blink, then look up.

"I'll be damned."


"Funny man."

"Thank you," not quite sarcastic, even though a brief bow accompanies it.

Quiet snort, and it's hard to tell if it's from amusement or not. "Don't quit your day job, man."

"Day job's done for the next six months."

"Good point." Quick nod, then a shrewd look. "Good game. Got in some nice passes. Better than…"

"Not trying to weasel out, are you?"

"Weasel out?" The look is too innocent. Too perfect. "Don't know what you're talking about, man."

"Uh huh, right."

Innocence shifts all too quickly to shock, and one hand comes up to rest on a broad chest. "That hurts, dude. Right here."

"Uh huh."

"Not buying it, are you?"

"Not for a second."

"Yeah, didn't think so."

Another shrewd look, and there's an unsettling gleam to the eyes as they darken. "The whole night, right? Guess we should --"

"Try 48 hours."

"What?" Confusion that's almost believable. Almost. Not quite, though.

"Double or nothing."

"Ah, right. Did we really…?"

"We did." Firm, but lips quirk in a half-smile.


Onto Paying The Bet

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