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Title: "Betting The House"
Pairing: Ben Roethlisberger/Matt Hasselbeck
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ben ups the stakes. Part Twenty-One of The Bet Series.
Disclaimer: Never happened, isn't happening now.

The bedroom looked like a tornado had struck it – pillows and sheets carelessly tossed on the carpet, clothes were scattered hither and yon, and the two men lounging on the bed were the perfect picture of sexed-out languid.

The scratch of fingers across a stubbled chin broke the almost tangible, easy quiet. "So, I been thinkin'..."

A blue eye cracked open in lazy curiosity. The drawl was soft, sleepy. "Uh oh."

"Hush." The shoulder nudge was affectionate. "Anyway, I've been thinkin' about when I win the bet –"

"You mean, if you win."

"When I win the bet, I'm thinking I might try a little something different."

"Different, huh?"

"Mmhmm." Then a muscled body rolled, pinned the other to the mattress. Both groaned as they slid together in delicious, heated friction. The kiss was slow, thorough, and twin appreciative moans filled the air.

"Explain different to me." The demand was softened by another quick kiss that turned into two kisses, then three.

"Well..." Hazel eyes twinkled in mischief. "Triple or nothing's special...and you looked really hot in that grass skirt..."

Low groan. "Ah, fuck, man, just stop there."

A dark eyebrow lifted in challenge. "So, that's a no on the garter belt...?"

Onto Forget The Bet

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