Viggo peered up from his painting, and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Want me to amuse you?" Sean laughed. "I was actually thinking of inviting one of the Hobbits around for a pint." "Not Karl?" Sean shrugged. "Karl is filming tonight, if you'll remember, love." "Thought we were going to initiate Orlando." Sean wrinkled his nose, shook his head. "Not tonight. He might say he likes the idea, but I doubt he'd be able to handle it in reality." Viggo smiled. "Not many can handle us. Who'd you have in mind?" "Dominic." "Dom? Unusual choice." "You don't think so, then?" "I didn't say that. He has definite potential." Viggo licked his lips on the last word. "But he's a bit on the shy side." "We can work around shy. Shall I ring him?" Viggo gestured toward the house. "Please." "That's my boy," Sean said and got up. * * * Dom was bored. Yeah, yeah, New Zealand was great. Sure, the last four months of filming had been the best experience of his career. Yeah, so the other Fellowship members were beyond cool. Okay, he was having the time of his life playing Merry. But he craved something...unusual (as if what he was doing wasn't unusual enough), something different. He'd be mad by the end of the year if all he had to look forward to was going surfing and bungee jumping with Orli and the other Hobbits. He paced, retraced his steps. He could read...Nah. Too wired up for that. He could go to the gym -- he was getting a wicked cool shape now. Maintaining it was getting to be a point of pride... God, he was going to be a seriously buffed, seriously bored person if this was all he had to do in his admittedly small downtime. The phone buzzed and he pounced on the first ring, nearly knocking it off the end table in his haste. "'Lo?" "Dom, it's Sean." Wow. Okay, odd, but cool. Sean tended to spend most of his time palling around with Viggo or Ian. Occasionally he'd come out for a pint with the rest of the Hobbits or cooked for the guys at the spacious cabin he shared with Viggo. But he rarely called. "Hey, how's it goin'?" Dom finally said. "They let you go early today, as well?" "Yeah, I think Karl and Lij and Astin are still working, filming Henneth Annun. You wanna come over, join Vig and me for dinner?" "Roomie that exciting, huh?" Dom teased. "He's painting. I'm contemplating navel lint." "You makin' those Cajun steaks?" Sean laughed. "I can. Come over whenever you're ready. And bring your camera. It'll be twilight soon. You can get some shots of the woods." Dom had mostly started taking photographs as something to do while standing around on set all day. It had come as a surprise to find he actually enjoyed it. And was pretty good at it, if he said so himself. There was something very Zen about developing pictures he'd taken, in capturing that perfect moment on film. Viggo had been really great about helping him get started and letting him use the darkroom at the cabin. Dom was continually amazed by Viggo -- fucker was nutty as hell, but God, he was multi-talented. Poet, painter, photographer, damn good actor -- he was the only true Renaissance man Dom had ever met. And Sean was one of the most gifted, naturalistic actors he'd ever seen. Just being around him had been worth the trip. Getting the two of them all to himself was just about too good to be true. Dom quickly shrugged into a pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt. He strode out the door, camera in hand, and decided it was a nice enough night to walk. Viggo and Sean were staying in a very pretty, very secluded cabin on the far edge of the crew's official base camp in Wellington, not too far from Dom's apartment. In minutes, after stopping by the local bottle shop to by some port, he was strolling up the walk, admiring the rustic coolness of the place. Dom took a few quick shots of the surrounding woods and the cabin nestled within before he knocked on the door. Sean answered, barefoot and shirtless, wearing only a pair of very ratty jeans. This was definitely going to be a casual evening then. Dom held up the brown paper bag. "I figured we really needed to get used to drinking this stuff if we're going to be here much longer," he said by way of greeting. Sean let him in, shaking his head. "I'll stick with my ale, thanks. You and Viggo can be the adventurous ones. Come out on the porch when you've poured your drink. Steaks are almost ready." He left Dom in the kitchen. By now, since Dom was over so much using Viggo's darkroom, he was used to treating the place as a second home (or maybe third, seeing as how he was always at Billy's) and grabbed a couple of glasses from the cabinet without thought. He poured a glass of port for himself and went ahead and poured one for Viggo as well. Perhaps they could both gang up on Sean later and get him to try something different. He strolled onto the back porch, following the tantalizing scent of meat. Viggo was painting -- oils, it looked like -- and was dressed almost identically to Sean, except Viggo's jeans were black. Sean was busy flipping steaks on the grill, humming along to the radio. Dark and fair, Yin and Yang. No wonder they were such good friends. It was almost crazy domestic, the way these two guys were. Dom really needed to work on getting the two of them out of the house a little more. "Hey, Vig." He walked over to the older man and put the glass of port down next to the oils. And snuck a peek at the painting. Looked like another nature study. Go figure. Viggo inclined his head. "Dominic. Good of you to keep Sean company." He glanced down at the glass, then looked at Dom and grinned. "Australian tawny?" "Of course. Only the best for my friends." Sean straightened and grimaced. "Beware of Hobbits bearing gifts." "I thought that was Greeks." "Well, we're not filming "The Iliad" or "The Odyssey," are we?" Sean answered. "So, you're saying I should adapt." "Something like that, yeah." "What Sean's really trying to say is he's mad for intellectual discourse of any kind," Viggo stated, from behind his canvas. "He's bored with my arguments." "Not true, Vig," Sean argued. He turned to Dom. "He just tends to prefer his own company a little too much for true conversation." The younger man smiled. "You could always come out to play with the rest of us." "And risk breaking my fucking neck jumping out of an airplane?" Sean looked horrified at the thought. "I don't like them as it is. And I'm mature enough now that I prefer my amusements to be a little less life-threatening." "Okay, old man, you've made your point," Dom said jokingly, but he didn't agree. Sean and Viggo were both in exceptional shape. Dom envied Viggo's 6-pack abs and Sean's triceps with the jealousy of a novice body builder. And they both wielded their equipment and heavy weapons like they were made of plastic instead of metal. They could match even Orlando in endurance during the marathon shooting days. Old was something they definitely were not. "You catch the Blades/Portsmouth match last night?" he asked, changing the subject. "No, but I taped it," Sean replied, brushing the steaks with his special ultra-secret Cajun sauce. The heady aroma of roasted meat teased Dom's senses, reminded him he hadn't eaten since his wake-up call. "We'll talk about it after you've watched it then," he said. Viggo threw down his brush in disgust and glared at the rapidly fading sun. "Fuck," he swore. "Lost the light." He walked over to Dom, jerked his hand. "Well, come on and help me fix the salad while Cave Boy over here finishes charring our slabs of flesh." They went to the kitchen and Dom washed vegetables and broke up the lettuce while Viggo chopped. They talked casually of everything and nothing -- it was so easy to open to Vig. He was Buddha-like, only crazier, in his sense of centered. Dom wondered if he'd be 40 too, before he caught that kind of calm. Sean came in the kitchen bearing the plate of steaks. He beat on his chest playfully. "I have prepared large beast," he boomed, in a mock-Neanderthal voice. "Eat now." Viggo just rolled his eyes, and both Sean and Dom laughed. Sean washed his hands at the sink and popped a piece of lettuce into his mouth. "Hey, stop that!" Dom slapped the other man's hand away from the bowl. Sean just flashed a naughty grin. "My house, kid. My food." "My salad," Dom reminded him. "Am I going to have to referee?" Viggo asked. Sean snatched another piece of lettuce from the bowl and held it up. "Wanna wrestle me for it, Dom?" "Maybe after dinner." "I can wait." * * * The meal was excellent, as was the conversation. Dom would have been content to listen to Sean and Viggo for hours. They'd done so much, been everywhere, played every part, it seemed. No wonder they'd become such fast and good friends. Dom sat back, full and sated from great food and good port. This was truly the way to end the day. "Thanks for the invite." Both shrugged. "Anytime you get sick of trying to kill yourself with Orli and the others, come on over," Sean said. "And maybe we'll come out more," Viggo promised. "It's a deal." Dom raised his glass and the other two did the same. "To the Fellowship." "The Fellowship." They all drained their glasses and got up, taking dishes to the kitchen. Dom washed, Viggo dried and Sean put everything away. "So, we've got...a small bit of a favor to ask you," Sean said to Dom, taking a stack of plates from Viggo. "Sure, anything, you know that." "We'd like you to photograph us." "O-kay." The two of them? Seemed a bit weird, but he could dig. "Where'd you have in mind?" "I think the bed, don't you, Vig?" Sean closed the cabinet door and leaned against the counter. "We spend so much time there." What the...? Dom looked quickly between Sean and Viggo. They weren't...were they? Viggo looked back at Dom, a small smile curving his lips. "I think you've shocked him senseless, Sean," he said. "I don't think he knew." "How could he not know?" Sean asked, incredulously, pushing away from the counter. "We're living together, for fuck's sake." "I thought you guys were roommates," Dom managed to get out. Barely. He was in total shock. They were both so...well, manly, to use a totally gay term. Male. Virile. Oh Christ, had he actually used the word virile? How could they be...? "You both have children," he continued, still unable to picture the two of them...well...together. In that sense. "Yeah, we do." Sean's voice was right in his ear. He'd come to stand on the other side of him, trapping him between the two older men. "This doesn't mean we don't love women," Sean continued. "Actually, Karl and Sean and I loved a woman, was it...what, two weeks ago, Sean?" Viggo asked. "Yeah, yeah, I think it was. God, she was extraordinary, wasn't she?" Sean mused. "We should invite her up again." "Oh God," Dom muttered. "Karl's...?" "He's experimental," Sean clarified. "Vig and I are bi. The only truly gay man on this production is Ian." "And Craig. Ian said he caught a vibe," Viggo mused. "Really?" Sean asked. "I don't wanna know," Dom stated. "Really, Dom," Sean admonished. "I'd have thought you'd be more open to this sort of thing -- you're an actor. Surely, you've been around alternative lifestyles." "Of course I have." Ouch, that stung. "It's just that...I dunno, I just never thought you two..." "Would be openly bi?" Viggo finished for him. "Yeah, I guess." "Relax, we're not asking you to join in. We're just asking for your expert eye." Sean was right. This was just friends here. And he was no stranger to male nudity, being male himself and all. Frankly, Dom thought, looking from one hard chest to the other, photographing these two men would be a pleasure. "You're right," he said aloud. "Let me go get my camera." "Meet us upstairs," Viggo said. He shared a triumphant smile with Sean once they were alone. "Skittish," he commented. "But intrigued. Did you see that look when we mentioned Karl?" "Yes I did. This should be fun." * * * Okay, so they would be naked, Dom thought, as he walked up the stairs. Two naked guys who were apparently turned on by each other. Two guys he knew and respected as masters of their craft who got off on sucking dick... Okay, okay, stop. He halted just outside the bedroom and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Why was he being so twitchy? It was just an assignment, right? A job. What would Viggo do? He wouldn't freak out at the thought of the male nude body. Actually, now that he thought about it, Viggo would be turned on. Oh fuck -- okay, thinking about Viggo was not a smart move. Dom would not be turned on. He wasn't turned on. He wasn't. He liked birds. So why was his dick semi-hard? Christ on crutches. He rubbed a hand over his crotch, easing the sudden ache a bit. Okay, so maybe, just maybe, mind you...he was a bit turned on. But he could handle it. It was only natural to be turned on by beauty and Sean and Viggo were both good-looking blokes. The thought calmed him. He walked through the door, took one look at the two men already sprawled on the king-sized bed and just stopped. Speechless didn't begin to cover it. And good-looking was too mild a term. Viggo was cut all over. Dom had never noticed the other man at the gym, but he must find the time somehow to work out on a regular basis. Why had he never noticed Viggo's sculpted chest, muscular thighs, tight calves until now? And Sean...God...lean, lithe grace. Sinewy muscle and silky looking skin. Even completely naked, he radiated confidence and quiet power. Animal magnetism -- they both had it in spades. Dom was beginning to have serious second thoughts about this. How was he going to handle all that raw sexuality? "Oh, good, you made it," Sean said. If he noticed Dom's tight grip on his camera and utter stillness, he didn't speak of it. "You about ready?" Viggo put his arms around Sean, spooning him, and gave Dom that half-smile the younger man had always thought was so cool. Only now it made him curiously weak at the knees. He was truly in way the fuck over his head. But he didn't walk away. "Give me a minute," he croaked and fumbled with the lens on his camera before finally bringing it up to his face. Instantly, he felt calmer. Now, he was removed, now it wasn't as immediate. Still, as his artist's eye took in the beauty of the two men lying entwined in each other, his very male libido reacted in a most unexpected manner. He resolved to ignore the bulge in his jeans. Instead, he gave what he hoped was a nonchalant smile and said, "So, do whatever. I'm ready." Viggo leaned over Sean, nuzzling his neck. Sean sighed and arched, rubbing his calves against the other man. Dom captured moment after intimate moment -- a dark hand on a hip, two pairs of muscular legs twined together, a slight caress that had Sean arching his supple back in demand for more. The two men seemed to be oblivious to the constantly whirling camera and Dom himself -- they were caught in each other. Enraptured with a touch, a small nibble, a bite, a lingering of lips on broad shoulders. There was want here, yes -- but there was also love. And a total connection to each other's bodies. Viggo seemed to know what Sean wanted even before he did and Sean was just as attentive, just as attuned. Dom couldn't help it -- the quiet murmurs, the stroke of a hand on a thigh -- all of it was too much. He was so hard he hurt. His dick strained against his jeans, demanding release, insistent, begging. But, still he resisted. Still his camera whirled in feverish motion. He was afraid to stand still, afraid to think. Sean gave Viggo a small, private smile so full of tenderness that Dom almost wept even as he struggled to capture it on film. Slowly, so slowly it seemed to take forever and Dom's breath along with it, Sean bent his head to Viggo's. Their kiss was at once so passionate and so full of pure adoration that the last of Dom's restraints finally broke. Almost involuntarily, his free hand moved to his jeans and he slipped inside his waistband to rub his aching dick. He could not even remember the last time he'd been this hard, this horny. It had been months, years...hell, maybe ever. Sean lifted his head and licked wet lips. He flicked his head toward Dom, who was trying to simultaneously take as many pictures as possible and ease the ache in his groin. "Very nice," Viggo commented, as he nibbled on Sean's ear. Sean growled his pleasure. "I told you he was impressive." "I bow to your superior knowledge." Viggo dragged Sean's head back and ran his tongue along Sean's throat. They both chuckled when they heard Dom's moan. "I think he's ready, don't you?" Sean asked, his voice thick with want. Without another word, he held out a hand to Dom. Dom lowered the camera slowly and looked at the hand stretched out to him. He stood there, rooted, almost lifeless, for a long moment. Torn between want and terror, between curiosity and common sense. He wasn't gay. Guys did not turn him on. He took another long look at the two muscular men on the sheets and could not deny he wanted to be a part of that. He wanted those rough hands running over him, bringing him pleasure. Wanted to feel the coarse abrasion of stubble mixed with soft kisses. He wanted a small part of that completeness. Bugger this. No, he wasn't gay. And neither were Sean and Viggo, for that matter. But that didn't mean that Dom couldn't also be bi when the right occasion presented itself. And this was definitely a right occasion. He set the camera on the nitestand and took Sean's hand. Instantly, he was dragged between the two men and surrounded by hot male flesh. Hands pulled and tugged at bothersome clothing until he was just as naked as they were. The feel of skin on skin was incomparable. "You guys will go easy on me, right?" Dom asked, still a little hesitant. "This is the first time I've ever done anything like this." Viggo's smile was gentle. He brushed a strand of hair behind Dom's ear and Dom leaned into the contact. "Don't worry," Sean whispered from behind him, running light fingers up Dom's already electrified spine. He shivered, his breath coming in shallow gasps. "We'll go slowly." "Very slowly," Viggo agreed. He leaned down to close his lips on one of Dom's nipples as Sean touched his mouth to the back of Dom's neck. Fuck, God, Jesus...this was slow? Dom's dick jumped, brushing against a hardened, hairy thigh and the feel, the contrast to the memory of a woman's softer touch almost caused him to come right then. This was unbearable, this was insane. This was Viggo's hand running up his chest while Sean kissed his way over the back of Dom's thighs and ass and nibbled like he'd never had a delicacy as fine as this. Dom couldn't breathe, could not even fucking think -- he was reduced to sheer sensory overload. Viggo and Sean rose over him to share another scorching kiss and he whimpered at the erotic sight of tongues dueling and beards scraping, too turned on to move, even though he wanted to join in more than he wanted to draw his next breath. The other two men seemed to read his mind. They moved down and welcomed him into the kiss. Two sets of rough cheeks, two sets of tongues, two sets of soft lips claimed him and he was giving back just as feverishly, his tongue sampling, his lips tasting, his mouth fairly exploding with the unique flavor of male lust, male need. When he felt two sets of light fingers explore his throbbing dick, his back arched off the bed like a rocket. Viggo laughed and pushed him back. "Keep him occupied, Sean love," he told the other man and began to move down Dom's body, trailing hot kisses as he went. "Not fair, this was my idea." But Sean didn't sound particularly distressed. He turned Dom's face to his, wiping the fine sheen that covered his brow. "Relax," he whispered into Dom's mouth, his breath hot. "We'll take good care of you." That was exactly what Dom was afraid of. And then he couldn't think of anything else. Sean devoured Dom's mouth with a searing kiss that put every other he'd ever had to shame. In perfect synchronicity, Viggo closed his hot mouth over Dom's hurting, wanting, needy cock. Sensation overwhelmed him. He didn't know whether to come, cry or pull both men closer to capture more of this sublime feeling. In the end, he did all three. * * * "I don't know whether to be jealous of Karl or feel sorry for him," Dom commented, once he was able to speak again. He was still nestled between the two other men, content beyond all rational thought. Sean laughed. "Feel neither. He didn't get this." "We were...distracted," Viggo told him with a kiss on his nose that somehow seemed far more intimate than the man's mouth on his dick. "Yeah, a willing, naked woman will tend to distract a man." "Don't forget naked us," Viggo said. "Karl was certainly loving it." "We all were. But you're the first solo we've brought to our bed," Sean said, drawing Dom's limp body to him for a cuddle. "Feel blessed." "I do." Dom was silent for a minute, until his ears finally caught the music playing in the background. He laughed. "Great, I'll never hear Peter Murphy the same way again." "Is that who this is?" Sean asked. "Most times I don't pay any attention to Vig's music." "He normally listens to nothing except the Beatles and Mozart." Viggo shook his head sadly. "And what's wrong with that?" Dom asked. "The Beatles are the best fucking band on the planet." "Damn right they are," Sean said. "See, Vig, I told you I liked him for a reason." "There are other bands equally talented." "Well, and that's true as well," Dom admitted. Sean sighed and got up. "I'll leave you two alone with your dissertation on lesser bands. I need some more ale. Can I get either one of you anything?" Dom shook his head and Viggo asked for a glass of water. Sean left, still muttering about John Lennon and pale imitators. Viggo rolled over on top of Dom, trapping him under that long, hard body. "You okay?" he asked. Was he? It was hard to tell. On the one hand, he felt fucking fantastic, the most rested he'd felt in months. On the other, he didn't think he'd ever be truly fine again. And that might not be such a bad thing. "I'm good," was all he said. "Really good." Viggo seemed satisfied. "Okay, then, let's go to the darkroom and develop some of these photos of yours. I'm sure there has to be one or two that don't suck." Dom punched Viggo on the arm. "Don't talk talent with me, old man. Everything I learned, I learned from you. And I'm fucking good." Viggo smiled and rolled off the bed. "Of course you are." He held out a hand, and Dom took it, standing. "Can, um..." Dom licked suddenly dry lips and tried again. "Can, uh... Jesus." "Can you come over and do this again?" Dom nodded, too nervous to speak. "Hey, Sean love," Viggo called. Sean walked in the door, carrying a pint of ale and a glass of ice water. "Yeah?" "Dom wants to know if he's invited back to the playground." Sean pretended to think about it, mostly to see Dom squirm in that delightful manner, then grinned. "Of course you are. What, you think we'd invite just anyone up here?" "The thought had occurred to me." "You're the only one we want," Sean assured him. "Well, you and Karl," Viggo amended, shrugging. "What can I say, the man's got great hands. Nice pressure in all the right places." "And Dave," Sean added. "Those lips of his are something else." "Thanks. Now I'll never get that knowledge out of my head," Dom muttered. "So, you want to develop pictures or not?" "Yeah, absolutely. But, later, can we...uh...?" Dom gestured toward the rumpled bed. "Do this again?" Sean finished. "Of course. After all, you haven't made us come yet." Dom looked from Viggo to Sean, speechless once again. The two of them at once? He didn't think he'd survive that. He followed Viggo out the door, wondering how in the world he was going to accomplish that feat without Viagra. Onto Curious