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Title: "Unwitting"
Pairing: Dominic Monaghan/Orlando Bloom (Andy Serkis)
Rating: PG
Summary: Andy isn't snooping.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Impasto, for the First Lines Challenge.

It really is a beautiful sight. Not that Andy should be snooping and, well, he's not. Really. Public place and all (semi-public) he's a right to be here. In Orlando's and Viggo's trailer. Getting...well, he can't remember exactly, but it'll come back to him. Soon as he extricates his heart from his throat.

So, he's not snooping, but he really shouldn't be staring. Even if they are so beautiful. Even if Orlando's moans are like music in the curve of Dom's neck and Dom's fingers flutter like poetry over golden skin. Even if they do make Andy ache. If only...

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