Dizzying, with steep drops that plummeted your heart to your stomach, highs that made you giddy and breathless, turns that tied you in knots. Thrilling, exciting, twisty, always leaving you craving more, ready to jump right back in line again. And with a first steep drop that always, always terrified. Orlando loved roller coasters. Almost as much as he loved fucking Harry. "God, you feel good," Harry moaned, grinding down as Orlando anchored his hands on Harry's hips and pushed up. "Not as good as you do," Orlando argued, hungrily watching as Harry's eyes fluttered shut, lips parting as another wordless moan escaped. Just like that..., he thought as they rocked together, nice and easy, the calm before the storm. Then Harry rotated his hips, slowed to a crawl, and it was torment of the most exquisite kind, had Orlando's nerves screaming in protest. "Harry...move..." "Never argue with the man who's on top, Orlando." Harry leaned down to kiss the words along Orlando's throat. "Wasn't...arguing...just...move dammit..." Orlando flexed, thrust up, desperate to bury himself deep inside of Harry, desperate for the thrill ride that only Harry could provide. "I love it when you get bossy." More soft kisses along Orlando's jaw, his lips, his cheeks. "Hold on." Yes, thank God. Orlando grabbed the headboard to anchor himself as Harry slammed down and yes fucking yes, it was fast and hard and intense, and Harry's ass, so tight and hot, surrounding him, Harry's hands wrapped around his shoulders, using his body as leverage, Harry's thighs pressed tight against his, Harry's kiss when Orlando lifted his head, and that tongue, just as lethal as the frenzied movements, just as welcoming and hot, dueling with his, Harry's cock rubbing against his skin, hard and perfect, all in synchronicity, God yes more more... "Fuck...Harry..." Orlando groaned the words against Harry's mouth as he came, had his name echoed back to him as Harry's own orgasm shook his body, shuddered along Orlando's. They slumped down on the bed together, still joined, breathing in short pants, giving each other small kisses. "Christ, but you're amazing," Harry sighed, smoothing the matted curls of Orlando's hair off his forehead. Orlando leaned into the touch, seeking more, always more, could never get enough of Harry touching him. "I'd argue, but you'd just torture me again, you bastard." Harry's laugh vibrated along Orlando's neck, made his toes curl. "No torture this time," he promised, and lifted his head to place a kiss on Orlando's lips. "Now we'll go slow." Orlando'd never ridden a slow roller coaster before, but he supposed there was always a first time for everything. "Slow is good," he replied, the last word ending on a grunt as Harry started rotating his hips again...leisurely, languid...slow. And even in slow motion, Harry was Orlando's favorite ride. Onto High