Lessons: Taste It

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Title: "Taste It"
Pairing:Orlando Bloom/Sean Bean (Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen)
Summary:Orlando goes over to Sean's for dinner. Sean still can't cook. Part Two of the Lessons Series
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes:This one's for Val.

"And I was lost for words in your arms...
Make time stop
I wanna make time stop"


Orlando thought he shouldn't be nervous. He shouldn't. This was just Sean, for fuck's sake. His archery buddy. Member of the Fellowship. His friend. The man who was about to pop his anal cherry.

Okay, that was crude. Sean didn't deserve crude. And, truth be told, Orlando wanted more than just a roll around as well. Which was why he'd chosen Sean. He knew Sean would be patient, be gentle, show him what it was like without forcing him to do anything. What Orlando hadn't counted on, however, was how fucking hot Sean made him. A couple of kisses and Orlando was a seething bundle of nerves, glancing impatiently at the clock, willing it to move faster. 7 o'clock seemed like years away.

He spent his time during his downtime from looping dialogue all day, watching Sean through lowered eyelashes. God, he was hot. And the voice...Orlando could simply listen to him for hours. He wouldn't even really have to talk about anything. Hell, he could be reciting the directory, for all Orlando cared. Anything Sean said in that low, melodious voice would be great. And to think he knew Elvish. Orlando melted at the thought. Christ, it was too good to be true.

Was it time yet?

* * *

"Sean, love, quit pacing." At Viggo's soft request, Sean gave a rueful chuckle and stopped, looked around his apartment. He really needed to clean up the place. Orlando would be here soon.

"Sorry, it's just, um..."

"You're nervous."

"Well, Christ, Viggo, he's my first virgin," Sean exploded, resuming his pacing on the worn living room carpet. "I have no idea what to do."

Viggo smiled, then laughed. "Actually, I have it on good authority that you know perfectly well what to do."

Sean pursed his lips in exasperation. "I don't mean like that. Of course I know what I'm doing, it's just..."

"I know, you're nervous," Viggo finished. He unfolded his long body from the sofa where he'd been sitting, put his arms around Sean. The other man gave a soft sigh, relaxed into the embrace.

"You're not going to hurt him," Viggo promised. "You know that. And, I assure you, he's probably more nervous than you are."

"I just want it to be right. He's only going to have the one first time."

"And he chose to bestow it on you. Feel flattered."

"That's the whole point. It's an awesome responsibility, innit? A sacred duty..."

This time, Viggo stopped Sean's tirade with a simple, soft kiss. "Sean, shut up. It's just sex, you'll be fine. You're not going to ruin the act. Ruin him for other men, perhaps."

Sean smiled, cupped Viggo's cheek. "You're too good to me. And you're right. I know you're right." Sean took a deep breath, hugged Viggo to him again, and, indeed, he did feel calmer now. This was good.

"Now, come on and give me a kiss. Your young Elf will be here any minute and it would be much too soap opera if we were to run into each other outside your front door."

The image was enough to make Sean laugh as he pressed his lips to Viggo's. "Thank you for this."

Viggo's smile was soft and intimate. "I'll see you tomorrow." He dropped another kiss on Sean's cheek and walked out.

Sean took another calming breath, let it out and went to his bedroom to go change clothes. What did one wear to a deflowering, anyway? Deflowering...he was losing his ever-lovin' mind, he was. But it didn't stop him from thinking about the lovely black silk shirt Viggo'd just gotten him for his birthday. Silk would feel so lovely against his skin, against Orlando's...

* * *

Orlando took a last drag off his ciggie, hoping for that last little bit of nicotine calm. This was cool, this was good, he could do this. Just a shag, right, a bit of sport between friends? Just a few more of those harmless, innocent kisses that had rocked his world, just the thought of Sean naked...Orlando pulled out another cigarette, lit it on the end of the old one. Bugger all, this was bloody stupid. There was absolutely no reason for him to be puttering about on Sean's front porch, chain-smoking, no less. He wasn't some blushing virgin, for fuck's sake, he knew what to expect. At least, he did from women. Couldn't be that much different, could it?

He let out a shaky breath, finished his cigarette and knocked on the door. And promptly had the wind knocked out of him. Sean was so goddamn beautiful, so...just...Sean. Black silk should be illegal on him. Jeans should be illegal on him. That little smile that lit up his eyes should definitely motherfucking be illegal on him.

"Orlando, you're here." Sean made his name sound so sexy -- drawing out the vowels until they were almost their own words. That should also be illegal. It was only fair.

Sean held the door open and Orlando stepped in, brain on full auto-pilot. Sean's apartment was more spacious than Orlando's cramped one, but then, Orlando didn't have daughters coming to visit him all the time either.

"Would you like something to drink? Tea?"

Orlando knew he should speak up, say something, anything, no matter how asinine. But he could not make his mouth form a single coherent sound. So he just nodded his head in one swift jerky motion. Tea would be good. Tea would occupy his hands from finding out if the silk of Sean's shirt would be as soft as his skin.

Orlando followed Sean into the kitchen. "Let's see," Sean said, rummaging through his cabinets. "I've got some Earl Grey here, of course, a couple of green teas of Viggo's, nasty stuff really...some strawberry-kiwi that Elijah left...". Sean knew he was babbling, couldn't help it, until he turned and saw Orlando looking at him with the most peculiar expression on his face. "Orlando, are you alright?"

"Could you...um...could you repeat that last bit?"

"Oh, the teas?"

"No, um the last bit...that last one..."

Sean held up the box. "You mean the strawberry one?" There was that expression again. Sean could not quite figure it out.

Fuck me, Orlando thought. Just fuck me. He wanted Sean this instant, right now was too long to wait. Christ, who needed foreplay when you had Sean saying the word strawberry in that sexy as hell voice of his?

And, as Orlando normally wasn't one to deny himself when any urges struck, the next thing Sean knew Orlando was wrapped around him like a Koala bear and he was being laid out by the most insanely thorough kiss he'd ever experienced. This was not the tentative, shy boy from this morning -- this was a ravenous creature trying to suck Sean's soul out through his mouth. And damned near succeeding.

Sean dropped the tea box, stumbled a few steps to the table and sank down hard on one of the chairs, taking Orlando with him. Now Orlando was straddling his lap, still kissing him with the ferocity of a starving man, while trying to take off Sean's shirt.

"Orlando, love, slow down," he tried to murmur between fevered kisses, but Orlando just grabbed his head and pulled him under again. God, the kid could kiss. And he tasted so fucking sweet.

"Orlando..." Okay, one more kiss, one more time..."Orlando..." Christ, he couldn't move his lips away; the kid was as addictive as nicotine. "Orlando..." Sean was finally able to tear his mouth away and stopped Orlando with a hand to his chest. "Just...just wait a second, please."

Sean finally noticed his shirt was completely unbuttoned and the sides were now hanging open to reveal his chest. Orlando still sat on his lap, black eyelashes framing those gorgeous, half-lidded, brown eyes. His lips were still pouty from Sean's mouth on them. Orlando's chest heaved as he slowly opened those eyes and Sean was completely undone by the look on them.

No one, and that included Viggo, had ever looked at him like he was the answer to a prayer.

"Tell me again." Sean's voice was hoarse.

Orlando didn't ask what Sean meant. He just knew. "Lle naa vanima," he whispered and ran a trembling finger over Sean's eyes, closing them. "Amin kuith nwaly'ten lle."

My body aches for you. Sean shuddered at both the touch and the words.

"Amin hoon irman'ten lle," Orlando whispered, tracing Sean's ear with the tip of his tongue.

My heart yearns for you. Sean leaned into the contact, addicted to the sound of Orlando's voice whispering Elvish endearments. Orlando's lips finally joined Sean's again and this one was as sweet as the other was fierce. Sean knew he was supposed to be the one seducing here, but he let himself be seduced instead by tentative hands stroking his bare chest and soft kisses that made him yearn for more. Let himself drift on pure sensation, lost in waves of pleasure.

Orlando finally rested his forehead against Sean's, gave them both a moment to collect their breath, to remember where they were. Sean opened his eyes, smiled at the beautiful creature still straddling him. "This wasn't exactly where I'd planned on doing this," he commented.

Orlando's laughter was pure and rich, seemed to affect his whole body. "Why don't you tell me what you had in mind?"

Sean shrugged, stroked his fingers over Orlando's forearms. "Dunno, really. I was too nervous to plan out much."

"You?" Brown eyes widened in that impossibly beautiful face. "But you..."

"I'm just a man, Orlando. No more, no less. And I've been thinking about you for months, thinking about sinking into your skin, thinking about tasting your lips." Sean reached out and cupped Orlando's blushing cheek with a roughened hand. "You are so beautiful. How could I not be nervous about this?"

No wonder Viggo's eyes followed Sean everywhere, Orlando dazedly thought. Lovely green eyes focused solely on you while that melodious voice spoke the most seductive of words...it was heady, it was provocative. Orlando yearned so much that he was scared by it, scared by the intensity of it. But Sean would never hurt him, he knew that. And he also knew well enough that he wasn't in love with Sean any more than Sean was in love with him, so there was no danger of his heart getting trampled. And the need was fierce enough that it didn't matter. They had this night to explore, to taste. Orlando was going to make the most of it. "Show me, Sean. Teach me."

In answer, Sean just stood, cupping Orlando's ass to more securely hold him. Orlando tightened his arms around Sean's neck as Sean strode down the hallway toward the darkened bedroom. He lowered Orlando to the bed, following with his own body.

"I want this to be perfect for you," Sean said, stroking the side of Orlando's face.

Orlando caught the roving hand and brought it to his lips. "It already is."

A small smile, a flash of white teeth and then Sean kissed him. It put every other kiss Orlando had ever had to shame -- it fulfilled him, left him aching, took him higher than he'd ever dreamed. Sean's assured hands slid his t-shirt off his body, then trailed back down over the bared flesh. Orlando gasped at the contact -- Sean's hands were just that different from a woman's, fingertips slightly rougher than what he was used to.

Sean turned away from his lips, began to trail kisses along Orlando's shoulders and collarbone. Sean looked almost silver in the moonlight that shone in from the window -- ethereal, almost Elven. One of the Lothlorien Elves, perfect and unattainable. And yet, impossibly, he was Orlando's for the night.

"Tell me what feels good," Sean said, as he continued his lazy exploration of Orlando's chest.

Christ, did Sean even need to ask? "Everything."

"What about this?" Orlando just about jumped off the bed when Sean closed his mouth over a flat nipple. Oh yes, this was good, this was perfect.

Sean moved down Orlando's abdomen, stopped to roam and pay homage to those tanned, muscled forearms. "And this?" he asked, running his tongue along a vein on Orlando's tricep.

Orlando could only flex his arm and clench his teeth. Amazing how the tenor of the night could change so fast. He was back to shaking, back to needing, back to being rock hard and aching.

"And this?" Nimble fingers drew down the zipper of Orlando's jeans, slid them off lean hips. Sean's hand closed over Orlando's straining erection, electrifying him, shattering his every thought.

"Perfect," he managed to moan and then Sean's hand was moving on him and he didn't think about anything else. He just responded to every light movement, every teasing touch.

"Tell me what you want, Orlando." Soft words in his ear, roughened fingers caressing over him. Yes, this was so fucking good, so right.

"More." The word ended on a choked gasp as Sean's hand fractionally sped up its movement.

"Do you want my mouth?" Sean asked, with another kiss on Orlando's shoulder. "Do you want to take me?" He moved back to the delicate flesh on Orlando's neck, tasting. "Do you want to be taken?" The barest of kisses along his jawline made him moan.

Every question strained Orlando's already thin patience. All of it. He wanted all of it, wanted to experience, in every possible way, what it was like to crawl inside Sean's lithe body, to have Sean be a part of him. He wanted to taste flesh, wanted to make Sean lose control, cry out with desire.

Once again, Orlando went with his first instinct and Sean found himself flat on his back, with Orlando looming over him. He quickly divested Sean of his jeans and briefs and just stopped and smiled as Sean's erection sprang free, aching for its own attention.

"I've decided," Orlando told him, licking those full, pouty lips. "My mouth on your cock."

Well. Alright. If Orlando felt he was ready for...Oh God. Orlando's hot, wet mouth closed over him. Fucking sublime. This was definitely an area where Orlando did not need any help...he wasn't practiced, he wasn't perfect, but he made up for it in enthusiasm. Sean could only lie back on the bed and run his fingers through Orlando's spiky hair, guiding him. Not that he really needed it.

Breathe, Orlando, just remember to breathe, just...Jesus. How had he ever gone his whole life without knowing this taste? The feel of Sean filling his mouth was indescribable...warm, solid, twitching, responsive. Orlando had never thought about the act of sucking a man off, had never really thought about the power to make someone lose themselves inside you. Doing this made Orlando feel so sexy, so wanted, so fucking hot. More -- he wanted more.

He flicked his tongue out, licked up the underside of Sean's cock to cement the taste in his brain. He roved to Sean's muscled thighs, flat stomach, toned chest -- dropping kisses and licks, savoring, exploring. He teased the sensitive flesh on Sean's neck for a long minute before settling back on that mouth. Orlando thought could just kiss Sean all day and never be tired of the taste.

"Tulan sinome, O'elle." Sean cupped Orlando's neck, trailed his mouth over shuddering skin. Come here, little one.

"Amin naa lle," Orlando whispered. I want you. "I need you, Sean. I'm ready."

Slowly, so slowly that it seemed to be torture, Sean reached for the bottle of lotion that was sitting on the nightstand. And Orlando watched him with dark eyes and a secretive smile as Sean prepared himself and used the lightest of touches to prepare Orlando. Sean kept Orlando on top of him, knowing this position would force him to go slow, to let Orlando set the pace.

"Tell me if I hurt you," Sean said, as his cock probed at Orlando's entrance.

God, Orlando was more than ready. He didn't care about pain, all he knew was want. He needed Sean inside him, needed it so badly he could fucking taste it. "You won't," he said.

"Bend your knees a little bit," Sean told him. "And don't move just yet."

Orlando and an old girlfriend had once experimented with the whole anal thing, using a vibrator, so he was somewhat familiar with the process. But this...this was so different. This was living, breathing, hot flesh sliding into him so slowly he felt that his universe revolved around only that feeling. This was Sean gently kissing Orlando to take away the slight sting of discomfort at being invaded. This was Sean moving in him with the barest of strokes, so mindful, so aware of every slight move Orlando made. And when Sean was all the way inside, so far in him that Orlando thought they must be one person, Sean gathered him in his strong arms and started to rock back and forth. Ah, Christ...yes. Hell, yes.

"You doin' alright?" Sean asked, brushing away the fine sheen of sweat from Orlando's forehead.

"Better than. This is..." Orlando shuddered, causing Sean to move even deeper inside him. God, the pleasure of it all..."More. Show me everything."

"Manioio lle yesta." Whatever you desire. And then Sean was quickening his pace, moving faster inside him and Orlando gave himself over to the sensation, over to Sean, over to long, sure strokes and slow, deep kisses. "Asca," he moaned. Hurry. He was so close, so goddamn close... Another stroke and then Orlando was flying, caught the in grips of the most intense orgasm he'd ever had. Yes, God, yes, now. He was dimly aware of Sean pulling out, moisture on his stomach as Sean found his own release. Sean held him more tightly through the aftershocks, murmuring endearments, encouragement.

After a few minutes, Sean reluctantly disengaged his body from Orlando's, went to the bathroom, cleaned himself up. He came back with a washcloth, gently cleaned Orlando off, then crawled right back into Orlando's arms, holding him gently.

"Diola lle." Thank you. Orlando could think of nothing else to say. Words completely failed him.

"Ta naa seasamin," Sean told him, dropping a kiss on the top of Orlando's head. It was my pleasure. "You're doing okay, then?"

Orlando managed a sleepy laugh. "If I was doing any better, I'd be off this plane of existence."

"Guess that's a good thing, then."

"It's a very good thing." Orlando snuggled closer, breathed in Sean's scent, tried to smother a yawn. "I'm going to nap now."


"And when I wake up I expect to resume my education."

What a lovely thought. "We won't make it to our morning practice if we do that, love."

"I think we can skip this one day," Orlando murmured, sleepily.

Well, that they could. Some lessons were more important than others, Sean supposed, before he also drifted off into a light sleep in Orlando's embrace.

Onto The Gift

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