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Title: "Satisfaction"
Pairing: Karl Urban/Lawrence Makoare
Rating: NC-17
Summary: You know the saying about cats and curiousity, right?
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Written for part of Karl's birthday week bash.

"So pretty like this."

"Pretty like --" Rough slide across cotton sheets, body begging in spite of his best efforts to keep still "-- what?"

Amused hazel eyes stared down at him before adding a second finger, pushing deep inside burning, greedy flesh. "Like this. Open and ready for me," Karl said, kissing the corner of Lawrence's mouth. "Think you'd look a lot better with my cock in your ass, though. Don't you?"

OhGodoh...fuck. Lawrence pushed into Karl's fingers, breath hitching, stopping. Shouldn't be this turned on by just Karl's words. Shouldn't want so much... "Please." The plea was out before he could stop it.

"So pretty when you're begging for my cock," Karl murmured, fingers twisting, sliding, curling, and yes. Lawrence was going to die. There was no way his body was going to survive this much pleasure.


"Love how you beg."

Lawrence could only tip his head down in fascination, watching as pale golden fingers twisted knuckle-deep in his body. Beautiful contrast, beautiful fingers, beautiful fullness inside him. But not enough. He reached for his cock, seeking relief, friction, something...and was stopped by Karl's hand over his.

"No. I'll tell you when to come." Karl pushed, fingers sliding in deeper, brushing, seeking, finding -- and his smile was beautiful and tainted when Lawrence groaned again. "Just concentrate on me."

Lawrence couldn't concentrate on anything except Karl. Didn't even think there was anything other than the thick fingers inside him, stretching, opening, pushing, filling. All that existed was this moment. All Lawrence knew was need.

Karl's hand closed over him -- rough strokes keeping time with a tight fist -- and Lawrence tried. He really did. Tried to keep it together, tried not to arch up, tried to contain his moans, tried so hard to hold on for just another minute, just a second...opened his mouth to beg Karl for permission, for more, for anything, but the words died in this throat when Karl's fingers pushed up just there...and Lawrence came with a muffled groan, spilling in wet, thick bursts over Karl's fist.

"Oh yeah, very pretty."

Lawrence was dimly aware that Karl was speaking as he cleaned his fist with slow swipes of a pink tongue. But the words were unimportant. Remembering to breathe took precedence. His limbs felt heavy, leaden, his head dizzy.

"You know that saying?"

"Hmm?" Lawrence cracked open an eyelid, shifted into Karl's tongue running along his collarbone. "Which one?"

"About curiosity killing cats."

"Yeah..." Lawrence could care less about clichés. Exploring the soft skin and tight muscle of Karl's back took all the limited brain power he currently had.

"So, I was thinking about the rest."


Karl's tongue continued its slow path along dark skin, slickly sweeping along Lawrence's sternum and the concave curve of his stomach. "About satisfaction." The words were murmured against Lawrence's groin.

Lawrence raised his head, stared in puzzlement into smiling eyes. "Satisfaction?"

"Curiosity killed the cat." Lips and teeth tasting, tempting, sliding a wet path to the crease of Lawrence's hip and thigh. "Satisfaction brought him back."

Lawrence fisted his hands in the midnight silk of Karl's hair, shifted and sighed when those clever, wicked teeth closed over taut muscle and skin. "Are you?" Came out as a breathless whimper.

"Not yet," Karl replied, breathing a cool path along Lawrence's cock before kissing the head, lapping at the moisture. And forget breathing again, because the promise in those eyes...

"But I will be."

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