Title: "Rough"
Pairing: Dominic Monaghan/Orlando Bloom
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Words always fail.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Drabble for Lizzies, because she asked for distraction & I'm her h0r like that.
Dom loves it when Orlando gives it to him rough, really sticks it to him, leaves bruises, bite marks, shoves him across the bed, floor, table, wherever, no talking, just taking. Doesn't like it when Orlando talks, doesn't need pussy-ass words; words are useless, a decayed form of communication. People say shit all day long and it means nothing. Only action and reaction mean anything. Words're superfluous when there's grunting and groaning and inarticulate moans when skin slaps against skin.
Besides, nothing says 'I love you' like a stiff cock up the ass and hard hands holding hips in place for the next thrust.
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