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Title: "Portrait"
Pairing: Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: R
Summary: The fine art of seducing your best friend.
Disclaimer: Sean was really too busy in late 2000/early 2001 to be vacationing & even if something did happen, I wouldn't know about it.
Notes: Yes, Sean can really paint.

April 2001

He was coming.

Finally, Viggo would have Sean to himself. It didn't matter that Sean was only coming for a bit of vacation, to recharge his batteries between two hectic shoots, to reacquaint himself with painting to prepare for a new role. All that mattered was that he was coming.

For 14 glorious days, Viggo could wake up and know he was right down the hall. Almost in arms reach.

And, hopefully, this time, Viggo would find the strength, the courage, to do something about it.


Sunrise in Idaho was not a sight to be missed.

Sean stepped out onto the back porch with his usual mug of Earl Grey and inhaled the mountain air. This was truly one of God's little corners, he thought, as he looked out onto the horizon. The sun was just starting to peek over the mountains, throwing the valley into a mix of light and shadow. Wisps of pink and yellow drifted through clouds, turning the snow-capped peaks into ethereal towers of beauty. It reminded him of New Zealand. No wonder Viggo was always so reluctant to leave this place.

Viggo...Sean sighed. And wondered how he was going to go about the business of seducing his best friend. He had to do this. If he didn't, it would damage their friendship beyond repair. The need, the curiosity, the craving that Sean was feeling would drive a wedge between them until it drove them apart. And Sean had too few really good friends to just let one slip away. Especially Viggo. From the first time they'd met on the 'Rings' set, they'd clicked on some cellular level -- like they'd known each other all their lives. It was uncanny how much they thought alike. He couldn't lose that. No matter what.

Speaking of...Sean squinted and saw a figure strolling from the forest nestled at the bottom of the valley. Viggo -- back from his usual pre-dawn walk. Getting up to watch the sunrise was one thing, Sean thought. Actively going out in the dark to wander the woods was something else entirely. But, that was his friend. The original Mother Nature's Son.

"Morning," Sean called, when Viggo was within hearing distance.

"Morning." Viggo reached the porch and sat on the steps to take off his boots. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, actually. I think I'm finally getting acclimated to your Mountain time zone."


Sean gestured to the rising sun. "This is fucking spectacular, mate. I envy you."

Viggo looked out and a small smile curved his lips. "Yeah. It's a miracle every morning."

"I'll have to bring the girls next time."

Viggo nodded. He grabbed one of his feet and started massaging. Sean tried not to think about his hands rubbing that bit of bare skin. "Henry would like that. I think he's got a crush on Molly."

Sean laughed. "I think you're right. Your son has good taste."

"I don't envy you in a few years, when they all hit puberty."

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't trade it," Sean stated, shrugging. His girls were his life.

"I know. I feel the same way."

"I am sorry Henry couldn't stay longer," Sean said, leaning against the railing. He sipped his tea, enjoying the morning air and the company. And tried not to think about Viggo naked.

"He was pretty disappointed as well. But Exene needs him too. And you'll come back, bring the girls, maybe stay longer."

"Next time I come, it won't be for work," Sean promised. "But I do appreciate the offer to let me stay here and rest."

Viggo gave his foot one last squeeze and stood. "The invitation to visit was an open one. You will always be welcome in my home. For whatever reason. You want breakfast?"

"Um, yeah, sure." Sean followed Viggo back into the house to the spacious modern kitchen.

He watched in fascination as Viggo grabbed eggs, green onions, mushrooms and ham. As incongruous as it was, the man could cook like a dream. It made his own mediocre forays in the kitchen seem laughable. Which was probably why Sean employed a cook and Viggo didn't.

"So, have you heard from anyone?" Viggo asked, as he deftly started whisking eggs.

"Dom and I had lunch last week," Sean said. "He's just as talkative as ever. Asked about you, said to tell you he was going to invade your sanctity soon."

Viggo laughed. "Good. It'll be good to see him again. Lij and Orlando came out for a long weekend about three weeks ago. Henry was in heaven."

"Well, God, he should be, they're all practically the same age."

Both smiled. "Sometimes I feel that you and Ian and John and I inherited sons, rather than cast mates," Viggo said, as he poured the eggs into a skillet.

"Yeah, it does feel like that, doesn't it? But they're good lads. Full of life. And they'll keep us young."

"They will at that." Viggo added the chopped vegetables into the pan.

They had breakfast on the back porch, easily talking of movies they were working on, Viggo's upcoming show, their kids, anything and everything. Sean hoped they never lost that easy feeling...but was afraid that they might if he didn't do something soon. He'd been here four days already.

"So, where are you off to today?" Viggo asked, and Sean let the thought go. It wasn't the right time. It might never be the right time.

"I dunno. Thought I might do a bit of climbing, see if inspiration hits."

"The way you've been painting, you shouldn't have any problems there. You really should think about putting together a show. I can call my agent if you want, get you in touch with my gallery."

"Oh, that's a nice thought. But, I'll have to think on it. Dunno if I'm ready to show the world my meager painting skills."

"Your painting skills are not meager," Viggo argued.

"You're a true mate for saying so," Sean stated, and stood up, stretching. "Thank you for breakfast."

"So, I'll see you tonight then."

"Yeah, sounds good," Sean replied. And cursed himself for a coward.


All in all, it had been a really good day. It was unseasonably warm, the mountains had been extraordinary, and his muscles ached in pleasant ways from climbing around rocks all afternoon. And his latest painting was shaping up quite nicely. Coming out here to recharge his batteries before filming Tom & Thomas had been a great idea.

Viggo wasn't in the house when Sean got back -- probably out at the stables or fishing or something equally Nature Boy. Why he was so hung up on a man who was so unlike himself in so many ways was a mystery he didn't care to solve. All he knew was that Viggo had become necessary to him...he'd missed being around the other man more than he could say.

Sean walked down the hall to the spacious spa/bathroom area Viggo had remodeled just before he'd been called to film 'Rings'. Viggo had joked that he'd barely had time to enjoy it. And there was much to enjoy. Hardwood floors stained light brown, a stand-alone shower in the corner, long counters that ran the entire length of one wall. And a huge garden tub/Jacuzzi that took up most of the middle of the room. Sean had taken one look at that tub when Viggo had shown him around the place and fallen in love. He'd decided he could live in the bathroom and Viggo had just laughed and told him to make himself at home.

Actually, a bath sounded lovely. A way to relax, to think, to plot some sort of strategy to explore these less than brotherly feelings for Viggo without killing the close friendship they shared. If he didn't do something soon, he was going to lose what was left of his mind. And he was supposed to be on vacation, dammit.


Viggo walked in the door, called Sean's name. No answer. Hmm, maybe he wasn't back yet. Hopefully that gave him a little time to put some kind of plan in action.

How did one go about seducing one's best friend, anyway? He hadn't any experience at it. And the only person he felt comfortable enough to talk to about it was the one person he was trying to seduce. Viggo wondered what time it was in England...he could dearly use some of Ian's practical advice right about now. Ian, who'd been there, done it all a thousand times before. He was already reaching for the phone before he remembered that Ian was in Australia, filming the 'X-Men' sequel. He thought for a second. It was 2am there. Fuck. He was on his own.

He went ahead to the kitchen and put some steaks out to thaw, laughing at himself as he did. He was trying to seduce Sean with his cooking. How very female of him. Unfortunately, it was the only thing he could think of. But he had to do something. And a more perfect opportunity was never going to present itself...it was just the two of them. No kids, no friends, no distractions. He'd be a fool not to try. Even if he lost a friendship that was more valuable to him than anything other than his son...if he didn't do this, he'd lose Sean anyway. Either way would break his heart.

He needed to bathe before Sean came home -- wouldn't do to attempt this supposed seduction reeking of sweat. Although there were some who went for that sort of thing.

He had already stripped and was headed for the spa when he heard the off-key singing. Well, well -- seemed Sean was home after all. Should he interrupt?

"Sean, you in there?" he called.

"Yeah, yeah come in."

Guess that covered that. Viggo walked in. And wholly lost his breath at the sight of all that golden skin glistening in the water. Sean had just about the most beautiful body Viggo had ever seen. Seeing him there, so relaxed and at home in his tub, shifted something in Viggo's chest. And he fell in love all over again. This waiting until the right moment was going to kill him.

Sean turned, green eyes smiling. "Hey, you're home."

Viggo cleared a curiously clogged throat. "So I am."

"You need to get in here. Water's fucking perfect."

Viggo hadn't had a better invitation all year -- even though he knew that Sean meant it in a strictly platonic way. "I need to wash off some of this grime first," Viggo replied, keeping his voice light. God, he wanted nothing more than to crawl in that Jacuzzi and cover Sean's very delectable body with his own. It was going to have to be a cold shower. He jumped in and washed quickly. God, he was pathetic -- an impatient, groveling fool. But he didn't care.

He got out and walked to the tub, sank in across from Sean and sighed. Yeah, he really needed this. Instantly he felt better -- calm, in control. Well, somewhat. Sean was still two feet away from him -- all tempting and glistening and naked -- and he really needed to think of something else before he embarrassed himself.

"Tell me about your day," he said.

"It was good. Painted for a bit, went hiking. The trails here are outstanding. And steep," Sean laughed. "I think I pulled a muscle in me back."

"Let me see." Jesus, he was so obvious. Why didn't he just make up a sign that said 'fuck me senseless right now'? Couldn't he keep his hands to himself? But Sean turned and Viggo ran an expert hand along Sean's upper back. "Yeah, you've got some major tension here," he said and rubbed on a particularly harsh knot. Sean moaned in appreciation and leaned back.

"Feels good?"

"Fuck yeah," Sean answered.

Viggo dug his fingers a little deeper into sore muscle. Tension eased, fluid skin smoothed out under his and Sean relaxed inch by inch.

"You should charge for these.".

"You think?" Viggo laughed. He tried not to move in closer, tried to keep things light. But it was hard. He wanted so much to kiss that soft spot on the curve of Sean's shoulder.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like?"

Viggo's hands stilled. He barely breathed. Had he been thinking aloud? "What?"

"Us." Sean turned, focused those lovely light green eyes on him.

"How do you mean?" Viggo asked, not even daring to hope.

"I'm going to feel really bad about this later," Sean sighed and bent his head to Viggo's.

Viggo had waited so long for this moment he thought he must be dreaming. He kept his eyes open so he could look at Sean -- impossibly long blond eyelashes fluttered shut as he sank into the kiss, drawing Viggo closer. Lips that tasted better than any of his dreams combined claimed his. That toned, graceful body he'd fantasized about for longer than he cared to remember trembled slightly under his touch, elating him. It was like coming home.

Sean gently ended the kiss, drew back, but didn't end his light grip on Viggo's shoulder. "I'm not a poofter or anything like that. But I think that if I don't have you, I'm going to die. You understand?"

"Yeah." The answer was slow in coming, almost as if it came from outside him. "Yeah, I do."

"So now what?"

Viggo wondered how much he should say. He'd carried his love around in silence for so long that it was somewhat of a shock to even be in a situation where he could talk of these things. "Do you know I used to take pictures of you all the time?"

"No. I had no idea."

"I never showed them to anyone. They were too private, too personal."

"Would you show them to me?"

"I was hoping you'd ask. Come on."

They got out of the Jacuzzi and wrapped towels around themselves. Viggo led him downstairs to his private studio; the one place that was his alone. And turned on the light.

Sean looked around in amazement. Pictures, photos, portraits -- all of him -- adorned the walls, the canvases, almost every square inch of counter space.

"What is this?" he asked, turning slowly around. He picked up a photograph of himself, dressed as Boromir, smoking a cigarette and looking out at the horizon. "I don't remember you taking this."

"You were my favorite subject," Viggo answered. "I shot you constantly. You always thought I was taking pictures of the Hobbits or Karl or Orlando -- but it was almost always you."

"I...uh..." Sean looked around again, awestruck at the sheer amount of work. "I have no words."

"I don't need any." Viggo's rough hand reached out to trail along Sean's cheek. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Let me be a part of that."

Sean's eyes fluttered shut. He leaned into Viggo's hand, let himself be seduced. He'd been curious, yes. He'd wondered what it would be like to have those paint-splattered artist's hands on his, what it would be like to sink into all that skin, to feel strong arms sheltering him.

Viggo moved to Sean's neck, shoulders, started with feather light kisses across his arms. His skin, so sensitive after the bath, puckered under the ministrations.

Viggo's breath hitched. "Goosebumps?" he asked, moved beyond thought.

"I never thought I'd have the courage to do this," Sean whispered.

"I never dreamed I'd have you here." Viggo leaned in, breathed in Sean's scent. This time, the kiss was just as light, but had a different feel. Now it was a kiss of possession, now Viggo allowed himself to explore. Sean opened his mouth, sought Viggo's tongue with his own. Viggo closed a hand in damp hair, bringing their bodies closer, aligning them so they were one.

"Take me here," Sean breathed into his mouth.

"Are you sure?" Viggo brushed a strand of Sean's hair out of his face, the gesture loving. "I don't want to push you."

"No -- I want to do this. I want to know. I want to be with you, here, with the evidence of your love all around us." Sean brought Viggo's hand to his lips, gave it a gentle kiss that told Viggo more than words that he was ready. "Show me what it can be like."

And Sean let his towel drop.

Heaven. It was there in Sean's voice, in his touch, in his acceptance. Viggo tried to memorize every moment, every sigh, every brush of Sean's fingers on his body. But it was hard not to sink into sensation, not to let it all become a glorious blur of color and texture and sound.

They sank to the floor, Viggo careful to make sure Sean's towel was spread out. Golden skin shimmered in the moonlight that streamed in through the bay windows. Scratchy stubble abraded his skin, the contrast sending shivers through him and that lovely, low, accented voice telling him what was liked, what felt good, what made him burn. It was like painting...lost in the creation of art, lost in Sean's skin, his touch, his want. Like sculpting the perfect memory, the perfect first time.

So, this is what it felt like, Sean thought. This is what it felt like to be touched by someone who thoroughly loved you, this is what it was like to be adored. There was so much need in Viggo's touch, what seemed like a lifetime of want, of yearning. And it seduced Sean more thoroughly than anything else could have. He sank into every kiss, trembled beneath Viggo's unsteady hands. Viggo had so much to give...and Sean wanted all of it.

Clouds obscured the moon, casting shadow in the room. Low murmurs became choked gasps of desire. Hands that caressed with light touches now demanded, pulled. Bodies that had been content with lazy exploration now strained together to find release. Love that had once been silent found a home in welcoming arms and greedy kisses. And curiosity was satisfied beyond the wildest of fantasies.

Sean lay in quiet contentment afterwards in Viggo's safe arms, happy to spend the rest of his vacation on the hardwood floor as long as the other man was there. He turned slightly, kissed a flat nipple, felt the murmur of appreciation throughout Viggo's body. "I hope I didn't disappoint you," he said.

Viggo looked down at him, blue eyes wide with disbelief. "Disappointed me? You've got to be kidding. You could have just laid there and done nothing and it still would have been fantastic."

Sean chuckled, the sound low, throaty. Viggo loved that laugh. "Well, as long as I didn't."


"So, um...where do we go from here?" Sean traced a lazy pattern on Viggo's smooth chest, enjoying the small contact.

"That's up to you," Viggo replied. "We'll go as slow as you want...or not at all if you want."

"Really?" Sean lifted his head.

"Yeah," Viggo smiled. "If you want to forget the whole thing, I won't care. You'll always be my best friend. No matter what."

Sean blinked back tears, surprised that such an admission could touch him so much. "Thank you," he said, brushing back a dark strand of Viggo's hair. "That means more than you know. I don't know what I want to do, to be honest. We'll just have to see."

"That's fine too. I'm easy."

"If I had known that, we would have done this a lot sooner."

Sean's tart reply surprised a deep belly laugh from Viggo. "I wish I'd known you were curious," he said, still chuckling. "Would have saved me some long nights."

"I think I'd like to paint you," Sean said, looking around the room. "We need something to counter-balance the stalker thing you've got going on."

"Stalker thing?"

"Christ, Vig, I'm everywhere. If I ever turned up missing and the bobbies found this room, you'd be arrested faster than you could say 'we're just friends'."

Viggo shrugged. Other people's opinions were of supreme unimportance to him. "As long as you're not bothered, I don't give a rat's ass."

Sean looked around again. "It is flattering," he admitted. "Once you get past the sheer numbers."

"So paint me and I'll put it up in here."

"You can pose tomorrow. But, right now," Sean leaned down and brushed his lips across Viggo's, "right now, I want you and me naked in that bathtub, with your hands on me again."

"When you decide you're going to do something, you don't hold back, do you?" Viggo asked, already getting hard at the thought.

"No. Life's too short. So?"

"So, let me up. I'm all about manly back rubs in Jacuzzis."

Sean smiled and light eyes flashed. "I want a lot more than a manly back rub."

Viggo sat up and kissed Sean to seal the deal. "For you, I would be happy to oblige."

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