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Title: "Mendacium"
Featuring: Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom
Rating: PG
Summary: Lies go against instinct. Gen-fic.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Kate, for her birthday.

I am the world's worst liar. Which could be construed as odd, I suppose, since I make my living pretending to be other people, but it's different in acting. I believe who I am with my whole heart and soul. For however long it lasts, however many days or what have you, I become this person and feel what they feel. Know what they know. I trust my instincts and hope they'll guide me true.

But a lie...a lie goes against instinct. Goes against self. They build up and complicate and take over everything until there's nothing left except a shattered reflection of what might have been.


"I think Kate and I might be spending some time apart."

No introduction, no hi, how's it going, right to the point. That was Orlando for you. "The fuck are you?" I mumbled, and yanked the blankets up over my head. Self-defense against daylight. Wasn't due on set for another four hours, and I'd planned on taking full advantage of a lie-in.

"Um, in L.A., why, ah fuck, I woke you, didn't I? Fucking time difference, I'm sorry. I'll call back."

"Too late, M'awake now." But I wasn't moving. At least it wasn't one of Orlando's 'hi, I'm at the airport, come get me' calls. Because friend or not, Orlando would have to die. I wasn't moving for anyone. "What about Kate?"

"We're, um..."

"Out with it, Bloom."

"I think she knows."

"Knows? Knows wha -- oh, fuck."

"Yeah." Had to give him credit, though. He sounded miserable as fuck. "What'm I gonna do?"

"You're asking me?" Oh, precious irony. "Why bother at this stage?"

"This isn't funny."

"No, it's not, mate." I was starting to sweat, so I poked my head out. Still didn't bother to open my eyes or lift my head from the pillow. "You'll notice I'm not laughing."

"I need your help."

"You want my advice?"

"Just said so, didn't I?"

"Stop fucking him and grovel until she comes back."

"It's not that simple."

"Yeah, it is." Fuck all, but this was making my head hurt. "How long've you been doing this?"

"Long time."

"Exactly. Long enough." I gentled my voice. "This has gone on long enough. You have to let him go."

His voice was a whisper. "What if I'm not the only one holding on?"

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