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Title: "Freefall"
Pairing: Dominic Monaghan/Sean Bean
Rating: PG
Summary: Sean wasn't a man for introspection.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For the lovely Juweldom for her birthday. Because she gets that sometimes it's best to just not think.

The bracelets on Dom's wrists always left little grooves in his skin, crisscrossing pale and red whenever he twisted his hand. Sean had once thought about asking Vig to photograph them, to capture the contrast, but he never got around to it. Wasn't certain, in the end, that he wanted to share that part of Dom with anyone else.

Including Dom.

"C'mon, it'll be a lark," Dom wheedled.

"What'd I need one of those for?"

Dom flopped his head on Sean's shoulder and batted his eyelashes in an outrageous manner. "You're here, I'm here. Lure of the open road and all. Be good to get away."

"Away from what?" Sean asked. His fingers slipped comfortably into Dom's hair.

"Say yes." Dom's entire body vibrated with vitality. "It'll be fun. Like it used to."

Sean was old enough to know better.

Sean wasn't the sort to give in to melancholy or depression or deep thoughts. There'd be time enough for that -- for introspection and navel-gazing -- when he was old (well, older, at any rate) and grayer. Deep thinking and all that rot were for men like Viggo, like Robert de Niro. Men with something to say.

Sean never minded being the bloke.

"Dunno why I let you talk me into this," Sean complained. He held the flaps of the tiny motel towel -- barely big enough to cover both hips -- together in one hand. "Never enough hot water in places like this."

Dom winked and ran a finger along Sean's arm. "If you let me in with you, we could conserve water."

"If I let you shower with me, we'll freeze."

"Body heat." Long fingers circled Sean's wrist.

Sean let himself be led.

Dom never answered his cell until the third ring. He always claimed it weeded out those who wanted to sell him something from those who wanted to speak to him. Said he picked up the trick from Mackenzie Astin when they lived together. Said Mackenzie never answered the phone and was much happier that way -- said Mackenzie always called everyone back, that way he could only talk to whomever he wanted.

Whenever Sean called Dom, he only let the phone ring once.

"Let go of the wheel."

"Fuck off."


Sean took his eyes off the road for a second, gave Dom an incredulous look. "Of crashing? 'Course I am. Bit of a silly question."

"C'mon." Dom slid closer. His eyes were impossibly bright in the late morning sunshine. His hair whipped in crazy spikes across his forehead. The muted guitar from one of Dom's crazy foreign bands wailed in the background. "I'll keep a lookout. Let go. Close your eyes."


"Don't you trust me?"

"No," Sean answered, seriously.

"Good." Dom touched warm lips to Sean's ear. "Now let go."

Dom hogged all of the blankets and space like he was afraid they'd disappear. He blamed it on his rough upbringing, claimed that if he'd let go of his blankets growing up, they'd have disappeared, stolen by thieves. Sean always reminded Dom that he'd come from middle-class.

Dom always replied that the truth could ruin a good story.

"Told you you'd have a good time," Dom murmured, nuzzling Sean's shoulder. The bright light from the TV cast a weirdly blue glow across the bed.

"Maybe I've a yen for cheap roadside motels and bad Kung Fu flicks," Sean replied.

Dom snuggled deeper into the warmth of Sean's embrace. "Maybe y'just have a yen for cold showers."

"Only with you."

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