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Title: "Experimental"
Pairing: Dominic Monaghan/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It was just a drunken kiss, right? Sequel to "Game".
Disclaimer: Hell, the way the two of them act around each other, it wouldn't surprise me. But I'm sure it never did.
Notes: Written for Val, because she was sick and pouty and wanted snogging.

"You could have made more of an effort to defend me back there."

Viggo looked down at Dom in puzzlement. "What?"

Dom pointed back at Orlando's. "Back there. Not like you hadn't fully participated in that kiss."

"Ah that." Viggo contemplated it for a few seconds while they strolled down the sidewalk back to their own houses. "They were there at the time. They saw everything."

"Don't think they saw your hand on my ass, otherwise they'd have been all over you as well." Dom flashed Viggo a cheeky grin, shoved his hands in his pockets. "You were an octopus."

"Was not," Viggo grumbled, looking slightly annoyed. "Anyway, I was drunk. You were draped all over my lap. What the hell was I supposed to do?"

"For starters, you weren't supposed to kiss me," Dom nodded, stared up at the vast array of stars. "Jesus, it's fucking beautiful here. I may not go back home."

Viggo glanced up himself, caught, as always, but the endless stretch of sky. Even the air was pure here; it was simply astounding. "Look, it was just a kiss," he replied. "Let's forget about it. I won't let the others tease you anymore."

It took Viggo a couple of steps to realize Dom was no longer beside him. He looked back, saw his friend still standing in the same spot, intense look of concentration on that open face. "What's wrong, Hobbit?"

"Yeah, but what, y'know, what if it wasn't?"

"What if what wasn't?"

Dom gestured to Viggo, back to himself. "You know," he shrugged.

Viggo was sure he must look at mystified as he felt. "No. I don't."

"The kiss," Dom exhaled slowly, as if explaining something to a toddler. "What if it wasn't?"

"Wasn't what?"

"Wasn't just a kiss? Jesus, you're a bit slow on the uptake, old man."

"Sorry, I don't have a degree in Dom Speak just yet." Viggo walked back to Dom, smiling, saw the answering smile. "Alright, what if it wasn't? You want another go?"

Dom shoved his hands further in his pockets, sneakers scuffing the ground. "Dunno," he said, peered up curious eyes. In the fluorescent streetlight, they looked almost silver. "Y'think we should?"

Viggo spread his hands out, lifted his shoulders. "It's on your mind. I don't want it to be an issue. You kissed alright for a drunk guy." Both grinned at the joke. "Let's do it."

Dom took a hesitant step forward, stopped. "Look, let's get this clear. I'm still not a nancy boy."

"Of course you're not," Viggo said, his tone reassuring. "It's just an experiment."

"Right." Dom practically beamed at him. "That's exactly it. An experiment. Just so we know." He took another step forward, stopped when he was a hairsbreadth away from Viggo. "Um..." He worried his lower lip between his teeth. "How's this supposed to go, then?"

"What, you don't know how to kiss?"

"Not that, you bleedin' prat, the whole..." He slid his hands up Viggo's arms, the touch slow, unsure. "Who's, um, y'know, supposed to lead here?"

Viggo couldn't resist the pleading look in Dom's eyes. "Why don't we just wing it," he murmured, lowered his head slowly. And caught his breath when Dom closed his eyes and tilted that pointed chin, full lips just waiting for him. Damn, Dom's not a bad looking guy, he thought before pressing his lips to Dom's.

It started out fine. Just lips on lips, moist, sliding, firm, warm, nice. Then Dom opened his mouth, changed the angle of his head, and the unconscious invitation was too much for Viggo to resist. He slid his tongue between Dom's teeth, touched the tip to Dom's, felt the shudder in Dom's mouth. After that, things got a bit...more. Viggo pulled Dom to him, hands drifting along his lower back until they cupped the cheeks of a firm ass in their solid grip. Dom moaned in Viggo's mouth, leaned into his chest, delved in with his own tongue, tasting and licking.

God, the kid was talented. Viggo could actually feel his bones dissolving. Dom's hands filled themselves with Viggo's ass, pulled their bodies flush against each other. Viggo twisted his tongue with Dom's, each of them taunting the other with quick darts intermingled with slow tangles. They parted lips reluctantly, each seeking a last taste, a quick bite to sustain them.

Dom ran his tongue over his lips, exhaled slowly with a small shake of his head. Viggo couldn't force his feet to step back, to break the body contact, to move his rather hard cock away from Dom's belly or Dom's erection away from him. The firm cheeks under his hands felt too good to let go of, the firm chest pressed up against his seared him with its heat.

"Wow, that was..."

"Yeah," Viggo agreed breathlessly.

They moved toward each other again. "Let's just..." Dom reached up, grabbed the back of Viggo's neck, pulled him down.

This time, the kiss exploded across voracious mouths and straining bodies. This kiss wasn't an experiment; it was a chemical combustion gone twisted. Heat flared, skin prickled, lips and tongues demolished in gluttonous nips and sweeps. Viggo tried his best to crawl inside Dom's body via his mouth, pulled Dom so close to him that they shared atoms.

Every nerve in Viggo's body tingled, popped, sizzled. Dom surged up into him, fingers frantically moving Viggo's head this way and that to capture more flavor, tongue boldly swiping his teeth, lips conforming to Viggo's every demand. Viggo shifted their bodies, slid their straining erections against each other, moaned loudly at the exquisite feel, captured Dom's answering moan deep in his throat, desperate for more.

Viggo moved his lips away from Dom's, scraped his teeth along Dom's chin, tasted stubble and sweat, wanted to lick the sweat off of Dom's body, starting right there. Nibbled along Dom's jaw, his cheek, swirled around his ear. Dom whimpered, hands moving to clutch Viggo's shoulders, hips rotating with Viggo's, creating fierce friction. With a groan, Viggo swooped back to that addicting mouth, fed from Dom again, already twitchy from withdrawal.

They parted, panting, dizzy with need, leaning into each other for much needed support. "I'm...uh...Jesus." Dom dropped his head to Viggo's shoulder, sucking air in great gulps.

Viggo tried to clear the stars exploding behind his eyes. "What you said."

"Fucking hell," Dom gasped. "What was that?"

"That was..." Viggo stopped. He had no idea what that had been. Except incredible. "I don't know."

"Okay." Dom seemed to take the comment in stride, snuggled in a bit closer to Viggo's warmth, kneading the muscled back under his hands. "Guess we're still experimenting, huh?" He turned amused, still needy eyes up at Viggo.

"Yeah." Viggo risked a quick kiss to Dom's lips, only taking him a minute to untangle his mouth from Dom's. "Still experimenting."

"I'm not going to be your girlfriend."

The matter-of-fact statement surprised a laugh out of Viggo. "Okay. Wasn't asking you to be."

"Not going to be your boyfriend, either."

"That's fine, I don't really want one."

"Which begs the question of, what the hell are we doing, then?" Dom lifted his head, pressing their erections together again. "Because this? Feels really good."

"You're not kidding," Viggo agreed, beyond needing to come.

"And I'm not going to suck you off or let you fuck me." Dom nodded his head for emphasis.

"Good. Because I, um, don't want to suck your dick, either." The idea was still completely foreign to Viggo. He didn't know how Bean and Karl did it.

"Which leaves us with...what, exactly?"

"Handjobs?" Viggo supplied. "Body rubs? More kissing?"

"I think I can handle that." Dom laid his palm over the ridge in Viggo's jeans, smiled at Viggo's shudder. "You wanna go back to my place and make out?"

"You're such a guy sometimes." Viggo placed his own hand on Dom's bulge, lifted an eyebrow. "Wow."

Dom's smile was impish. "This is why I'm the lady-killer of the Fellowship."

Viggo opened his mouth to make a retort, lowered his head to Dom's instead. He could think of better things for the two of them to do than talk.

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