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Title: "Addiction"
Pairing: Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Viggo talks. A lot. Part One of the Come Undone Series
Disclaimer: Never happened.

Karl loved it when Viggo talked dirty to him. Almost as much as Viggo loved doing it.

"Do you hunger for me, elskede?"

Karl shivered at the soft words caressing his back. "Every day and every night."

"Then please yourself for me."

Karl raised passion-filled eyes to the mirror in front of him. Light blue eyes stared back as they both knelt on the rumpled sheets of the bed.

Karl's sweat-slick hand curled around his cock, began to move in small strokes. His other hand reached down to his balls, kneaded the soft flesh. Viggo leaned into him, pressing his chest flush against Karl's damp back, his own erection sliding between the cheeks of Karl's ass.

"Yeah, that's it." Viggo's low voice was liquid sin in Karl's ear. "Move your hand for me...stroke your cock. Please your cock. Feels good, doesn't it?"

Karl could only whimper as he sped his movements. Up and down, faster, fingers tightening around the head. He kept his focus on the mirror, cloudy hazel eyes locking with blue -- neither looking away, neither retreating.

"You are so hot." Viggo continued to talk as his hands burned a path along Karl's sides, snaked around to caress his heaving chest. "I love to watch you like this...all trembling and needy. Do you need me, Karl?"

"Yes." The answer was barely a whisper. One hand pumped faster on his dick, the other massaging his balls with wilder close...

Viggo's hand wrapped around Karl's, slowing his movements just a fraction. "Not yet."

"I want to come." It wasn't a plea so much as a demand.

Viggo dropped his teeth to Karl's neck, bit down softly. His lips curved as Karl sank into him, tilted his head. "Impatient for release?" He sped his hand back up, moved it over Karl's, pumped his hips a bit for blessed friction on his own needy erection.

"Viggo..." The sound was drawn out, filled with want.

"I love it when you say my name like that, all breathless." Viggo continued to rock his hips, continued to move his hand over Karl's, continued to watch his lover out of passion-filled eyes. "God, you're beautiful." His mouth feasted on Karl's neck in between words. "I want to watch you get off. And then I want to lick every drop of come from your stomach and give it back to you with my kiss."

The last sentence was too much -- or maybe it was the feel of Viggo's fingers on the head of his cock -- Karl no longer cared. He stiffened against Viggo's hard chest, bowed into him as he came in jerking spurts all over his stomach, his hand, Viggo's, chanting Viggo's name.

His muscles gave out, and he slumped backwards, falling against toned thighs. Viggo leaned in, brushed his lips against Karl's in a soft kiss, before twisting from behind Karl. He took each of Karl's sticky fingers into his mouth, sucking and cleaning the semen off with swirls of his tongue. Karl could only watch, still breathing in hitched gasps, getting hard all over again at the sight, the erotic feel of his fingers sucked into a wet mouth. Viggo moved to the thin streaks on Karl's stomach and repeated the process, licking and nibbling, lapping the viscous liquid with a greedy tongue.

"You taste so good." Viggo captured Karl's mouth in a bruising kiss, and as promised, Karl could taste himself, all salty and thick, on Viggo's tongue. And it burned. He burned. Wanted more.

He twisted their bodies so Viggo was now underneath him, soft skin and hard muscle beneath his hands, his mouth. He raced his lips along sweaty flesh until he finally reached the thatch of ginger curls at Viggo's groin. Karl stopped for just a second, breathed in the curls, the scent of sex and Viggo curling around him in dazzling spirals. Viggo's erection jutted proudly from the springy hairs, dewy, glistening, ready for his touch.

Viggo reached down with a hand to cradle Karl's head as he closed his mouth over the tip of the velvet-soft head. The taste of him never failed to make Karl famished for more. His hunger was a voracious beast, with teeth that nibbled, then soothed, a mouth that moved in rhythmic motions on Viggo's cock, lips that traced the veins up the sides of succulent flesh.

"I love the way you love my cock," Viggo murmured, his voice tantalizing Karl's senses as his hand brushed the hairs on the back of Karl's neck, pushing his mouth a little further down Viggo's penis. "I love the way you take it all the way down your throat. I love the way you can't get enough of it."

No, he couldn't get enough. Couldn't get enough of the taste, couldn't get enough of it in his mouth, widened his jaw to take Viggo deep down his throat, choking himself on the flavor. He used his forefinger and thumb to circle at the base of it, moved in tiny strokes in time with his mouth.

Viggo groaned, the sound echoing down his body, humming into Karl's mouth, prompting his own choked moan. "You look so good with my cock down your throat, you know that?" Viggo asked, hands no longer steady. "You are so beautiful with your mouth all full like this." Now he used Karl's head as an anchor as he pumped his hips upward, burying his cock to the hilt in wet heaven. "I love watching you please yourself with my body."

Karl moved faster now, in time with Viggo's hips. His fingers massaged the base, and he worked the head in an almost frenzied motion. He welcomed the cock now slamming down his throat, welcomed the hand now twisted in his hair. He moved with only one thought...Viggo coming in his throat.

"My greedy baby." Oh yes, Viggo was close now. It was in the growling breathlessness of his voice, the way he tightened fingers on Karl's scalp. "So hungry for the taste of me."

One more thrust of hips, one more squeeze of fingers...Viggo shouted Karl's name as he came, and Karl swallowed the almost bitter sweetness, rolling it on his tongue to capture the taste, to memorize it.

He kissed his way back up Viggo's body, stopping to swirl his tongue on the hollow of lean hips, graze teeth along a muscled abdomen, suck gently on puckered, flat nipples hidden in soft hair. When he reached Viggo's lips, the kiss was aching, tender, fluid.

"I love you," Viggo breathed, running his hands down Karl's back. The words ensnared him, as they always did. Viggo was a man who felt deeply, but kept his feelings hidden behind silence and mystery. That he'd opened up to Karl was the most amazing miracle of his life.

"I love this fabulous body." Karl arched into the hands that were making him almost dizzy with lust. His dick was rigid again, throbbing with need -- need for Viggo and all the pleasure he could bring.

"I love this talented mouth." Viggo punctuated the statement with a kiss that plundered. Karl dueled with him, scraped his teeth on Viggo's adam's apple, sucked his jaw, obliterated Viggo's mouth with his own.

"I love this hot ass." Hot fingers, now slippery with lotion, kneaded Karl's ass, slipped into the crevice to find the muscled ring of flesh. The feeling was beyond exquisite. Viggo knew just how to move his finger to find the knot inside him, knew how to make Karl's body beg. The scent of vanilla filled his nostrils, the hard body under his yielded to his hands. He looked down into the face of his eyes, dark with passion, captured him, as slick fingers continued to probe, to prepare, to drive him mad with want. He needed Viggo's cock. Needed it now.

"I want you."

Viggo slid out from under Karl, moved behind him, placed tiny kisses on Karl's damp back, keeping up with the delicious torture of his finger. His tongue soon joined his finger, slipping past the tight ring to sample hot, vanilla scented flesh. Karl's body bucked into the new sensation, rocking back and forth on hands and knees as Viggo's tongue dipped and speared and pumped. He gripped the sheets in tight fists, bit down on his tongue to keep from screaming. Not that it would have mattered to Viggo. He loved making Karl scream.

Viggo moved his mouth to Karl's ass, bit gently on the firm flesh. "I love the taste of you on my tongue. I love that I can do what I want to you, when I want. I love that you're my willing whore." He bent over Karl, captured his shoulder with sharp teeth.

"As you are mine," Karl replied, gasping.

"Oh yes." Viggo smiled in his lover's hair, kissed the dark strands. "Always, I am yours. Tell me what you want."

Karl looked over his shoulder, stared back at Viggo, hazel eyes burning with passion. "I want your cock in my ass. Fuck me -- fuck me hard and fast -- 'til I come screaming your name."

Viggo's own eyes blazed at Karl's demand. He positioned the head of his penis between Karl's cheeks, started sliding in one fraction of an inch at a time. "You want me to give you my cock?" he asked, bending to take one of Karl's ears in his teeth, nipping and soothing. Karl groaned, bumped his hips into Viggo's, forcing him to slide in deeper. Viggo obliged, rocked slowly, tortured them both, and continued his verbal teasing. "You want me to pound into you, fill you till you're choking, fuck you so hard you'll have bruises and be glad of the pain?"

"Enough...please." Each word was ground out through gritted teeth.

"That's all I needed to hear." Viggo dug fingers in Karl's hips, drove into him, filling him, as promised. Fuck yes...more, not enough. Karl pushed back with his body, caught Viggo's down-stroke as the other man pumped into him, pistoning his hips. Viggo was relentless, ravaged Karl with his cock, his mouth hot on Karl's back, his neck. Faster, faster, forget finesse, forget technique, just slam flesh into flesh, plunder, rape, pillage...need overcame every thought, every word, every motion. There was only Viggo, only Karl, only that relentless cock in a willing ass, strong fingers on supple flesh, tongues tangling together as Karl turned his head to sink into Viggo's kiss, his want. Karl could taste their impending orgasms on his tongue, tumbled blindly into a searing hot abyss of aphrodisia with a final thrust, taking Viggo with him.

Harsh breathing was the only sound in the room for long minutes as each man tried to suck air into oxygen deprived lungs. Karl fell face forward on the bed, taking Viggo with him, and they lay tangled together until Viggo thought he could feel his bones again.

"Satisfied for now?" Viggo asked, brushing back a strand of Karl's dark hair from his face as he rolled over, onto his back.

Karl smiled into laughing blue eyes. "Now I know you know better than to ask that question."

"You're going to kill me." Viggo didn't sound terribly upset at the prospect.

"I am going to do my absolute best," Karl promised, sweeping his tongue along the cleft in Viggo's chin.

"I certainly hope so."

"Now," Karl's smile was wicked, sinful, dark, as his hand crept back to the springy curls on Viggo's groin. "I believe it's my turn to talk to you."

Viggo's only response was a laughing groan.

Onto Burn

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