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Title: "Bedwarmer"
Pairing: Arthur/Tristan
Rating: PG
Summary: Tristan watches over Arthur.
Disclaimer: Never happened. All rights belong to Touchstone Pictures, not me.
Notes: For Mcee, for this drabble challenge.

Arthur barely looked up from his map when Tristan strolled into his room, made himself at home -- boots, cloak and all -- on Arthur's bed. He was used to Tristan coming and going as he pleased.

"I don't suppose you've come to help me plot our course."


"Then I suppose you're here to tell me this mission is madness and doomed."

"No," Tristan shrugged. "You're our leader. Where you go, we follow."

"So...why are you here?"

Tristan burrowed under his cloak, yawned lustily. "Someone's got to watch over you."

Arthur smiled. "Suppose you volunteered?"

"No. I drew the short straw."

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