All content, except where noted, was written solely by Brenda. All graphics, except where noted, were created by Jo at Faded Icons.
I'm also over on Live Journal - Broadwriting.
A quick overview of the content on the website (i.e., what I like to write about):
Black Hawk Down - One of the best war movies ever made. With a lot of hot men in the cast, which means that, naturally, I have to write about it. Both actor and character-based fic, including gen and het.
CW RP - Actor-based fic, including gen and het, from various shows on the CW or the former WB. (Yes, that means Chad Michael Murray and Christian Kane).
Damon/Affleck - Original OTP represent, man. I don't think I need to say anything else.
King Arthur - Put seven incredibly hot men in a film based on 'true' events, and stir. Both actor and character-based (but mostly character) fic, including het and gen.
LOTR FP - Character-only based Lord of the Rings fic, including het and gen. Book and movie canon.
Lotrips - My first fandom, my one true love. Then again, with this cast, who could blame me? Home to all of my actor-based Lord of the Rings fic, including het and gen.
NFL RPS - Once upon a time, at a Superbowl far, far away, two starting quarterbacks made a bet. This is their story. Only it's all made up. This series also includes other hot NFL football players and their relationships with other equally hot football players.
Other Fics - Pretty much the catch-all place for any fic not in the above categories (i.e., I haven't written enough in those fandoms to warrant a separate page for them). Here you'll find Boondock Saints, Harry Potter, and Troy (to name a few) and other assorted fic, including het and gen.
Star Trek FP - Character based fic, mostly AOS, featuring gen and het and slash.
Star Trek RP - Actor-fic, based on the 2009 film and its sequels, featuring gen and het and slash.
Supernatural - Character-only based fic, mostly het and gen.
X-Men - Character and actor fic based on the X-Men movies, with a little comic canon thrown in for good measure.
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