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Title: "Crisis"
Pairing: Ben Affleck/Matt Damon
Rating: R (language)
Summary: 'At three fucking a.m., I'm not anyone's best friend.'
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: All dialogue fic, written for Shoshannagold for the New Year's Resolution 2005 Exchange.

"Hey, Ben, you awake?"


"C'mon, man, wake up already."

"Fuck, Matt, what the fuck? Some of us are trying to sleep."

"And some of us need some advice here.:"

"Advice on what?"

"Everything, I think. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life."

"Why do you always do this?"

"Do what?"

"Ask these fucking deep-ass question that no one gets. Like, ever."

"What, and you're telling me that you never have any doubts about what you're doing with your life, is that it?"

"Not when I'm sleeping, no."

"But I'm not. Sleeping, I mean."

"And you just had to share in the existential misery, is that it?"

"Well, you are my best friend..."

"At three fucking a.m., I'm not anyone's best friend. Especially no the man who woke me up."

"That's harsh, man."

"Can I go back to sleep?"

"I mean, here I am, having a crisis --"

"-- a made up crisis --"

"-- and I'm asking you for your help and all you can do is give me shit."

"Gotta have at least one gift in life."

"Such an asshole."

"Thank you. Are we done?"

"Yeah, fine. Go back to sleep."

"Christ. You're worse than a woman. Scoot over, stop hogging the blanket and tell me what seems to be the crisis."

"I'm not hogging the blanket."

"You are, and now you're avoiding the conversation."

"Oh, you think I'm just gonna tell you after you insult me?"

"Yeah, actually, I do. So, what gives?"



"Well, it's just... hell, I don't even know. Are you sure we're on the right path?"

"Like, spiritually or whatever?"

"No. Yes. Maybe. Fuck, man, I have no idea. I'm just not sure...y'know, if there's any meaning to anything."

"Meaning is what you make of it. If you think your life has meaning, then it does."

"Does yours?"

"Most days. Some days I'm not so sure."

"So what do you do when you're not sure?"

"You mean other than remember the Miracle of October?"

"Yes, other than that."

"Not telling."

"The fuck? Why not?"

"You think I'm gonna lie here and let you razz me?"

"I won't, I promise. I promise, Jesus Christ."

"I think about us."


"I'm not saying it again. Just...forget it, al --"

"No, no, that's -- really?"

"Yeah, really. You're all the reason I need."

"That's really touching."

"Ah, fuck you, I knew you were going to do this."

"No, I'm serious. It is. Don't think I've ever been anyone's reason before."

"Well, you've always been mine, so can we stop talking about it?"

"Yeah, sure. Can I, uh? Is it okay, then...if I make you mine, I mean?"

"Whatever you need, man."

"Think I'd like that. But I still get to razz you all the time."

"Of course. Just...not about this."

"No, not about this."

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