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Title: "Welts"
Pairing: Chad Michael Murray/Christian Kane
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Chad gets off on pain. Sequel to Punishing Chad.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Beanside and Wendy, for Porn!Friday.

Chris doesn't really get the whole pain-as-pleasure thing, in spite of the fact that he loves the way Chad gets off on their fights. The way that Chad loves getting smacked around, on Chris bruising him, on stinging bite marks and strong fingers digging into supple, yielding flesh. Chad loves that shit, man, eats it up with a spoon, loves being shoved down to his knees and Chris just hauling back and belting him a few times before they get down to the business of violent, sweaty sex. Chad digs on the coppery taste of his own blood when Chris splits his lip, loves it when Chris yanks back on his hair, wears his scars like a badge of fucking honor or some shit, even though he only shows 'em off for Chris.

But that's Chad's gig, not anything that Chris could ever see himself liking. Yeah, sure Chris can't deny the adrenaline rush of a good tussle and the way it makes the sex after just fucking intense, man, but that's not the same thing.

On the other hand, nothing -- nothing -- gets Chris off faster than the feel of Chad's ragged nails digging into his back as he drives himself deeper into Chad's ass and swallows each of Chad's whimpering, throaty moans with his kiss. The way Chad bites on Chris' shoulder, claws at him, leaving thin blood trails across stretched-tight skin with each hard, pounding thrust, the sting of sweat as it trails into each welt. Chris may not really get the point in beatings as foreplay or any of that, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get the visceral thrill of being marked by his boy, that only he gets the imprint of Chad's teeth and fingers.

That only he can make Chad lose control.

Onto Handcuffed

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