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Title: "Watching"
Pairing: Harry Sinclair/Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Karl Urban
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Summary: Karl likes watching. Sequel to It's Not Arrogance If It's True.
Notes: Written for the Comment_Fic Free For All post - my prompts were 'glow' and Harry/Jeff.

"How mad do you think Karl'll be that we've started without him?" The question was a low snarl that rumbled through Jeff's body, had him arching into the next thrust of Harry's cock with his own matching growl.

"Not...very." Strong fingers dug into his hips, leaving bruises, marks that Jeff knew he'd carry with him for days. He didn't mind. He'd done plenty of his own marking on Harry's skin with his hands and lips and teeth.

Harry rotated his hips, stopped, his cock a thick, gorgeous weight inside Jeff's ass. He wasn't much for bottoming, but Harry made it seem like an honor to go to his hands and knees and get fucked into next week. "Think you're right," Harry mused, sounding breathless, slightly uncontrolled.

"He likes watching," Jeff replied, fisting the sheets to hold himself in place so he could rock back, fuck himself on Harry's cock. Harry hummed an agreement, and took the hint, slamming forward, meeting Jeff's movements with his own, both of them grunting, slick with sweat, and greedy for more.

Karl just stood at the entrance to the bedroom with a small, feral smile. He leaned against the door, unnoticed, allowing himself a moment to appreciate the view. With a sight as pretty as this, there was no need to rush.

Onto Again

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