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Title: "Si Fueris Alibi... "
Featuring: Jensen Ackles/Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom (Viggo Mortensen)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In which Orlando joins the fun, Karl's a lucky bastard, Jensen's still Jensen, and Viggo feels like a sheik with a harem. Sequel to ...Do As The Romans Do.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Jenna, for her birthday. Thanks to Gretchen for the beta.

The moment Orlando stepped into Karl's hotel suite and into Karl's arms, then Jensen's (even though they'd just met), Viggo could feel the three of them settle into place, the snap and crackle between them audible, palpable. Felt himself settle completely into his role – now things were where they should be. The final element had been added at last.

Orlando and Jensen had, predictably, taken to each other like the proverbial ducks to water, circling around and over, sizing each other up while Karl twined around both of them, the anchor pulling them back when they strayed too far. They took their time undressing each other, took the time to appreciate every kiss, every brush of hands on flesh. Orlando seemed fascinated with the dusting of freckles across Jensen's shoulders, and Jensen, in turn, dropped to his knees to lick along the ink of Orlando's sun tattoo, nestled just above his hip. When they both turned to Karl and made a game of getting him naked, teasing him with touches and soft brushes of lips, it felt like they were performing a private dance for Viggo's amusement, like maybe he was a sheik or a prince with a beautiful harem who wanted nothing more than to please him by pleasing each other.

It was, admittedly, a very nice thought.

"You know what I'd really like to see?" Viggo didn't move from his slouch on the sofa, but everyone in the room held their breath. He could taste the lust and tension in the air, thick on his tongue. "Orlando and Jensen sucking each other off."

"Oh, fuck me..." Karl groaned, dropping his head to Jensen's shoulder, teeth marking supple skin.

Jensen shuddered into the bite, but the smile he bestowed on Viggo was sinfully lethal, raised the temperature in the room a good ten degrees. "I like you, man. You've got good ideas." He turned to Orlando, made a show of licking his lips and zeroing his gaze on Orlando's crotch. "What'd'y'think?"

Orlando's answering grin was equally lethal, his perusal equally thorough. "I think I've been dying to get your mouth on my cock all night."

"And he's got a mouth made for cocksucking," Karl agreed. He gave Jensen's bare shoulder another whisper-kiss, then stepped back, surveyed Orlando and Jensen. "Christ, how'd I get so lucky?"

"I've asked myself the same question about you from time to time," Orlando replied, and leaned in, rubbing against Karl's chest, the kiss slow and heated. Viggo caught Jensen's wide-eyed, hungry stare out of the corner of his eye and inwardly smiled. Kid, you ain't seen nothing yet with these two.

Karl might call himself lucky – and no doubt about it, he really was – but Viggo considered himself to be the luckiest bastard on the planet that he got to watch (and sometimes more, when he felt like it).

Orlando whispered something to Karl that Viggo couldn't hear, and Karl nodded, eyes turning soft as he skimmed his knuckles across Orlando's bristled chin. "You bet," Karl said, and they each took a step away from the other. It was like watching two magnets parting.

Then Orlando glanced at Jensen, and the tension manifested itself in yet a different way. "Still up for it?"

Jensen ran a careless hand along his still-hard cock, and grinned. Then he pointed between Karl and Viggo. "Keep yourselves occupied." The next moment, he stepped forward, plastering himself against Orlando as they met in a furious, no-holds barred kiss.

"Fuck me," Karl breathed, falling back on the sofa next to Viggo. His gaze never left the two men in front of him.

"Maybe after they're done with each other."

Karl let out a short laugh. "Smart ass."

Orlando and Jensen tumbled to the bed, still kissing and rubbing against each other, two sleek, beautiful creatures intent on devouring, and Viggo found himself itching momentarily for a sketch pad. They'd look amazing etched in charcoal.

Then Jensen twisted in Orlando's hold, flipped himself around so he could get at Orlando's cock, and the thought was forgotten. This was its own art right here – the art that Jensen and Orlando were creating together. Jensen slid those obscenely full lips down Orlando's shaft at the same time that Orlando ran a loving tongue between the crease of Jensen's balls, and Viggo didn't even need to look over to know that Karl was just as enthralled as he was.

"Orlando wants to hie off with me for a couple of days, just the two of us," Karl murmured, blunt-nailed fingers zigzagging a path along Viggo's thigh.

"Been awhile?"

"Yeah, it has." Karl made a soft noise of pleasure when Orlando finally took Jensen deep, and Jensen redoubled his efforts, the slurping noises from both of them a symphony of need. "Think you could keep Jensen company while we're gone?"

Viggo could only smile at Karl's sly tone. "Yeah," he said, the word ending in a hiss as Karl's hand slid completely up, found its target. "I could do that for you."

"Sucker," Karl laughed, and started moving, still watching the show on the bed, fist comfortable and warm over Viggo's cock. Viggo didn't bother to deny it.

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