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Title: "Rimming"
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Sandra McCoy
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sandy's not a good girl.
Disclaimer: Fiction, folks.
Notes: For Mcee, for this ficlet challenge.

"Jared please...please..." Sandy ends the word on a broken moan, the helpless sound ricocheting off of the slick tile walls of the shower, and pushes back into the insistent press of Jared's tongue, over her, in her, sliding deep and slick, hot and wrong and so dirty, but so fucking good...and she knows that good girls don't, but when Jared spans her ass with his hands, spreading her open for slick, stabbing jabs of his tongue, she really doesn't give a good goddamn what good girls do, because they sure as hell never get fucked like this.

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