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Title: "Pudding"
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Viggo Mortensen
Rating: PG
Summary: Jensen doesn't get modern art.
Disclaimer: Fiction, folks.
Notes: For Cathybites, for this ficlet challenge.

It's not that Jensen can't appreciate art, y'know – hell, he's an educated man, he's traveled, he's been to Rome and Vienna, he goes to museums – but he's never quite gotten the hang of this whole modern thing. It all looks like mud to him, or chocolate Jell-o or something, like his nephew fingerpainting on the walls.

He thinks about telling Viggo Mortensen that maybe he should stick to photography or acting, but when Viggo smiles across the crowded gallery at him, showing crooked teeth and wicked promise in light eyes, Jensen thinks he could learn to love modern art for at least one night.

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