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Title: "Obvious"
Pairing: Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles)
Rating: PG
Summary: Jeff observes.
Disclaimer: Never happened.

Jeff had known, practically from the moment he'd stepped foot in Vancouver, that Jared and Jensen had a thing between them. Hell, they'd probably hooked up first day on set, and really, Jeff couldn't blame 'em. They were the only regular characters on the only new hit show the WB had, and the pressure of these two kids to carry off something this big, this complex (but thankfully not 'Lost' complex, because he'd tried watching that show and had gotten a headache) must have taken its toll. So, yeah man, take refuge where you can.

Oh, no one had ever, y'know, said anything about what Jared and Jensen got up to during the cold, damp nights. And it wasn't like they flaunted it to the world (still a dangerous enterprise in their line of work) or made out in the make-up trailer or held hands between takes or any of that, but they hadn't had to. All it had taken was one good look at them for Jeff's mind to scream 'couple', and that had been that. Even meeting their girlfriends hadn't changed his mind.

Pity, really, that they seemed so into each other. Jeff could have used the distraction.

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