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Title: "The One In The Locker Room" (Co-written with Kassie)
Pairing: Chad Michael Murray/Jared Padalecki
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jared's in a VERY bad mood. High School AU.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Because we can't get enough and neither, apparently, can anyone else. Part Two in the series.

Everyone else probably expected that Jared would be slumped over in the locker room, feeling sorry for himself but Chad knows better because he knows Jared better than anyone else in the world.

After Jared had gotten an (accidental) elbow to the face during the waning minutes of a hotly played game against Covington, he'd hit the parquet with a spectacular thud, and everyone had thought concussion, even though Jared had been just fine. But the 'injury' meant Jared had missed the last two minutes, and, without their captain to lead the rest of the team, there had gone their hopes for making it to state.

No, Jared's not going to be all self-pitying, whiny bullshit, he's going to be pissed the fuck off. And God help poor Randy Johnson if Chad doesn't get to Jared and get him calmed down first, because it won't be pretty, and it'll probably get Jared suspended, which would look really bad to the scouts that Chad had seen in the crowd.

Chad gets down to the locker rooms way after the game because he didn't even see the last quarter, he'd just heard about it. His dad couldn't pick up Chad's baby sister from piano lessons, and Chad'd had to leave the game to get her and take her home. But he'd heard it all on the radio. He'd hustled back to the school, by himself (everyone else had been too pussy to go with him), because Jared is his best friend, and Jared had been there for Chad when they'd lost regional because Bucky fucking Tidwell fumbled a goddamn beautiful pass (he doesn't remember how drunk Jared had gotten him or what he'd done, but his hangover had lasted for three days and he'd sported a righteous black eye for over a week), so Chad'll be there for Jared. It's who they are, man; it's how they roll.

He can hear Jared before he sees him, crashes and metallic bangs and shouts echoing down the hall.

"It was my fucking year, man. Fucking fucked up stupid fucking... No one was fucking that up..."

Jared's all rageaholic, and like he was when Tiffany had told him she was a born again virgin – of course, that had only lasted three days, but they were three days of utter hell for Chad, with Jared screaming and breaking things – but seeing Jared punching lockers and saying things like "breaking that fucker's nose" and "goddamned pussy ass bitches" now brings the memory back in sharp focus. When Jared starts stringing together cuss words like they make coherent sentences, Chad knows it's about to be a meltdown. But, better for it to be at him than at poor Randy Johnson, who already had been looking like he thought driving over a cliff might just be a good, swift conclusion to his life.

"Come on, swing on me," Chad motions with little flaps of his hands as he steps into Jared's view. Jared just makes that yeah right bitch face of his.

"Dude, I'm serious, get it out." Chad jabs out, like he's going to go at Jared, and Jared retaliates, athlete-quick, with a sharp jab that whistles past Chad's jaw.

"C'mon," he goads, dancing and head-bobbing like he's seen boxers do, "hit me, you fucking pussy." Because, if there's one thing that Chad knows from all the years he's been friends with Jared, is how to get him to snap.

When Jared swings this time, he goes for broke.

And Chad's laughing, ducking his chin and grinning so hard at the little baby look of frustration on Jared's face – Chad knows a thing or two about temper tantrums being the Big Brother to a whole tribe.

Jared's fist catches him in the solar plexus because Chad was expecting a jab for the face again. He spasms from the punch, breath going out of him.

And Jared's right there, straddling the bench between the rows of lockers and reaching out a huge hand to pull Chad back up. "Oh Jesus, Chad, really. I never...oh, god, I'm sorry."

Jared's got the kind of temper that's like paper on fire, quick and bright and gone in nothing flat. Chad lets Jared yank him up and onto his feet, as he wonders if the bruise forming on his chest hurts more or the look of self-hatred on Jared's face.

"Why are you such a fucking baby?" Chad wheezes out. "I'm fine." He always covers his feelings with rudeness and insults. He learned that early as the oldest in a big family where his feelings weren't usually taken into consideration anyway.

"Shut up," Jared retorts, whip-fast, frown wrinkling his forehead as he reaches out and grabs hold of Chad's bicep. "Why you gotta be such a bitch all the time, let me see."

"Fuck you." Chad tries, unsuccessfully, to twist out of Jared's hold, but Jared's last growth spurt had put him about three inches and twenty pounds on Chad, so moving him is like trying to move granite, and moving around him is impossible.

"C'mon, you know I didn't mean...fuck, man, you dared me to do it," and Jared pushes up on Chad's shirt. Chad hisses in pain when rough fingers skim over his ribs, unable to bite it back quick enough.

Jared's fucking massive paw is wrapping around his ribs, and he's got a broken thumbnail that catches against Chad's skin. Just like that, Chad's eyes drop closed and the whole vibe changes. Jared keeps running his hand up Chad's side to pull his shirt off, but his thumb pauses by Chad's nipple before moving against it, tentative at first then harder and with a little of that broken nail when Chad shifts and bites his lip.

"Lemme see," Jared whispers, and Chad has no idea what he's asking for now, but he has tons of suggestions and deep-down dark wishes. "Come on." The second part blows warm against Chad's mouth.

This is totally fucking insane, because anyone could come back for a pair of shoes or a bag, and Chad's got a hand in Jared's thick hair, opening his mouth and unsure if he's going to say no or suck Jared's tongue into his mouth.

In the end, it's Jared that decides for him, with a stuttered breath that Chad just has to taste, like he has to breathe and play football. He leans in, catching the dying gasp with his mouth, and, the next thing he knows, he's slammed hard against the lockers and Jared's tongue is down his throat. Metal digs into his back in painful spikes, and he arches away from it, into the solid press of Jared's body. He can feel Jared's erection straining against his hip, and his own cock swells to attention.

Jared cradles the back of Chad's head, the kiss messy and desperate, and the taste of it slams through Chad like every late night jerk-off session he's ever had while thinking about doing exactly this right here. Jared's thumb is still rubbing, and it's like his nipple is hard-wired straight to his cock, because nothing, man, has ever made him as hard as this. He pushes up on Jared's basketball jersey, raking blunt-tipped nails over Jared's sides, and the idea that they could get caught is no longer dangerous, but wildly exciting.

"Wanna suck you so bad," he gasps, and Jared seems to think that's the best idea he's ever heard, because he groans and bites Chad's lower lip hard enough to draw blood before he starts to tug on Chad's shoulders.

Jared's skin is tacky with drying sweat and his hair curls against his face and neck from the game. His eyes don't dodge or look away from Chad's when Chad rubs a finger against the dimples low on Jared's back and breaks the kiss.

"I'm kinda gross." Jared's mouth twists at the corner and his dimples dent his face.

Chad nudges his head to the side and licks Jared's neck up to his jaw, tastes the salt and spicy something that matches the clean sweat smell coming off of him. Jared braces a hand by Chad's head on the locker.

Jared hulks. That's all there is to it. His hips bump against Chad's, his chest presses into Chad's, his moan covers Chad.

"I want you bad," Jared whispers, and Chad bites Jared's neck and snaps his eyes shut as he almost comes in his jeans.

"Shower," he manages, because it's all he can get out, and because he's thought about that a lot, too, about running soapy hands all over Jared's sun-kissed skin. He can't even count the number of times he's squinted his eyes just so to get a good look at Jared when they'd shower up after gym class, hungrily running his eyes along Jared's calves and thighs and crotch.

Jared jerks a nod and pulls back, dragging Chad with him, and they stumble over their feet and each other, laughter echoing off the walls as they tug and pull at Jared's uniform, Chad's jeans and t-shirt, eager hands running over every inch of exposed skin. They leave a trail of clothing, like breadcrumbs, to the showers, and Jared ducks his head in that shy-'aw shucks' manner that's always made Chad breathless without him even knowing why. Chad pushes Jared's bangs off his forehead, lingering over sweaty strands, and he blushes at the gesture, because it's like something he'd do to Daisy.

Not that he really wants to think about Daisy right now.

Instead, he steps closer, keeping his eyes on Jared's as he wraps a hand around Jared's cock, the weight of it already familiar, an addiction.

Jared reaches behind him and fiddles with the knobs on the shower with his arms all twisted around and the muscles in his arms and chest pop as he does it. Chad's mouth falls open a little and he breathes through it as he takes in Jared, all hard and ripped from working out, with his cock hard as hell sliding in and out of Chad's fist, hips working, maybe even unaware of his own movements.

"Chad," his voice is gone, though, when he wraps around Chad, just drops right down licking against Chad's mouth and spinning them around so that they're under the too-hot spray of the shower.

Chad wraps his free arm around Jared's back, feeling sleek-damp muscles bunch under his hands. Reality's so far past his fantasies that they may as well not even be in the same universe. This is like winning the Heismann or some shit, or maybe even better, because Jared's breath is huffing out in steady pants as Chad's hand, wet and slick, wraps tight around Jared's cock. Chad opens his mouth for Jared's tongue and water drips in, metallic and hot, curling into the kiss, and Jared's moan bouncing off the walls is possibly the hottest thing Chad's ever heard.

Then Jared reaches between them and wraps a huge hand around Chad's aching cock, and fucking holymother. "Jareeeeed," and his voice cracks, like it hasn't done since he was fourteen, on the last syllable, and Jared just laughs, soft and intimate, against his lips.

"Shoulda been doing this a long time ago," Jared breathes, water plastering his hair to his face, and just the sight of him, all flushed and wet and Jared, is more than Chad can take.

"Jay-Teeeeee," Chad doesn't even know where Jared's baby name comes from, but it's there and Jared gasps and hums like he doesn't know what the fuck's going on either, and Chad comes, scratching down Jared's back and slumping against him. He almost says more, and worse babybabybaby, need you, this, and all kinds of shit he's probably not supposed to. Instead, he bites softly at the resilient skin of Jared's shoulder.

Jared holds him up and tosses his head back, the spray fracturing around him, hitting Chad in the face in hard little shocks. He starts to drop to his knees, but Jared catches him.

"Kiss me," Jared says against Chad's lips, but he doesn't wait for an answer, just licks his way into Chad's mouth as Chad's hand starts moving again on Jared's dick.

It's not quite what he wants to be doing, but it's still Jared crowding against him, taking up far too much space, pushing his cock into the rough slide of Chad's fisted fingers, still Jared's tongue against his, awkwardly tangling, and Chad forgets everything that isn't this. The rapid rat-a-tat spray of the shower is muted, only background noise. All he can hear is Jared's harsh breathing against his open mouth, all he can feel is the slick ridges of Jared's dick on his palm and the thump-thump of Jared's heartbeat against his as Jared flails, hand slapping hard against the tile walls to brace himself when he comes all over Chad's hand. Chad drops his head and watches viscous beads slide down the drain, feeling jealous of the water for getting the taste he'd wanted.

He bumps his nose against Jared's chin, teeth raking a light path, and Jared continues to shudder with aftershocks. "Next time," he murmurs, still kind of stupid from coming so hard. "I'm gonna suck you retarded."

Jared laughs, deep and impossible to deny. He bites Chad's cheek softly, slick enamel slide and sweet pressure.

"Shit, fuck, damn, I'm supposed to talk to the scout from A&M." And Jared's in motion, leaping around naked and grabbing at both of their clothes. "We can grab something to eat after. Dude, for real, I'm starving."

Chad realizes just like that, that he's hungry too. To be honest, Chad's always hungry, but he's got the whole stomach issue that makes him a picky eater.

"My mom'll make you some mashed potatoes, come on now." Jared whips Chad's jeans at his head and they get drenched in the still-running shower.

"Oh fuck no, it's on." Chad's feet slap on the tile of the bathroom as Jared whoops and runs back into the locker room laughing his damned fool head off.

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