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Title: "Jealousy"
Pairing: Christian Kane/Jared Padalecki
Rating: PG
Summary: Jared's jealous.
Disclaimer: Fiction, folks.
Notes: For Nardasarmy, for this ficlet challenge.

"What are you staring at?" Jensen murmurs, leaning close so Jared can hear him over the twang of Steve's guitar. The stage is backlit with red and blue, shadowing everything except the man in front, eyes closed as he croons in a heartfelt voice about lost love and second chances.

"Nothin'," Jared replies, but doesn't turn. Bright silver and turquoise caress Chris' wrist when he grips the microphone, jangle in time with the beat, slide over tanned skin in sweet refrain, and Jared aches, low and hot, just from that glimpse.

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