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Title: "Discovering Chad"
Pairing: Chad Michael Murray/Christian Kane
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Summary: Chad's a romantic at heart. Sequel to Bribing Chad.
Notes: Written for Wendy, for this ficlet prompt.

One of the most surprising things that Chris has learned about Chad is that Chad, for all of his bravado and swagger and sneer, is the biggest romantic that Chris has ever met. Which is saying something, since Boreanez has romance down to an art form, and Carlson's always the one to go to for the grand gesture. But Chad's just on a whole different level, man.

Chad coos to his dogs like they're children, and constantly spoils the ever-livin' hell out of them. He likes holding hands and slow dancing in their living room (if the swaying they both do can rightly be called dancing) and snuggles close to Chris in the night like a limpet. He never forgets birthdays or their anniversary and always gets Chris roses on Valentine's Day (roses, of all things). He's just as apt to have a DVD playing of some Hepburn/Tracy movie as an action flick. His iPod has, God help him, Celine Dion and Barbra Streisand on it (which is all sorts of fucked up and scary). And he's definitely been known to cry at weddings.

It's sort of...well...endearing is the best word Chris can come up with. Not that he would ever use that word in Chad's hearing, unless it was to get him all riled up for some hard sex.

Chad may have a rep as sort of a dick – and it's definitely one he's earned, even though he's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be – but his hard shell hides a heart that's softer than a stay-puff marshmallow. It's an interesting contrast, another facet of Chad that not many people see. Another secret that Chris hugs close to his chest. It's one of the joys of Chris' life that he's constantly discovering new things about his boy, that there's still so much to learn.

Chad's been keeping Chris on his toes from day one, and Chris, for his part, couldn't be happier about it.

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