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Title: "Clandestine"
Pairing: Christian Kane/Jared Padalecki
Rating: R
Summary: It's not quite what either of them want, but it'll do.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Jo, because she asked real nice.

We gotta to stop meeting like this, Chris murmurs as he holds open the door, letting Jared shoulder past him, closer than he should, but not close enough. Already, the air is thick, weighted with regrets not yet realized.

Shut up. Jared whirls around, pinning Chris to the door with his weight, his size, his tongue stealing into Chris' mouth. Jared's hands are already hitching Chris' shirt, running over a lightly furred belly. In the kiss, Chris can taste bourbon, beer and need. And he knows, sure as he knows he'll never be the one to end this, that Jared left Jensen's before drunk turned into one too many. Before friendship turned awkward and stilted.

He rides it out, lets Jared take what he needs, tangling his hands in Jared's hair, pulling and tugging and bucking into Jared's hands, Jared's mouth, because he knows. He knows why they're here, and why Jared'll drag him down the hall, and why Jared'll lay face down on his pillows and let Chris ease into him with murmured assurances neither of them mean, and a biting pain he does.

He knows and allows it because it's as close as either of them will get.

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