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Title: "Callus"
Pairing: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson
Rating: R
Summary: After the sex.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Alicia, who requested it.

Hey, did I wake you... and Steve murmurs something No, baby, it's fine, just dozing, cradling the phone between his ear and shoulder as he trails lazy, chord-rough fingers across the back of Chris' shoulders. The hotel room smells of bourbon and sex, clothes scattered everywhere, casualties to impatient hands and need. Chris drapes a leg across Steve's thighs, mouthing his own indistinct words across Steve's throat, lips warm and moist and now, far more real than the sweet voice on the other end of the line.

Steve hadn't intended to start this again, but good intentions have never stood up to the way Chris kisses him, like he's the answer to a prayer.

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