Birthday Geek

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Title: "Birthday Geek"
Pairing: Chad Michael Murray/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R (language)
Summary: Where Jensen knows good tequila is a requirement for birthdays and Chad is crap at analogies.
Disclaimer: Chad did just turn 30, Everlast is a real comic series, and the Rangers and Angels are division rivals, but those are the only true things in this story.
Notes: Written for and for this prompt challenge. My prompt was "Chad Michael Murray – comics as porn."

"Happy birthday, man," Jensen says, and claps Chad on the back, friendly and light, then smoothes his hand along Chad's spine. Chad suppresses the shiver. "Welcome, officially, to the slow decline."

Then he clinks his shot glass to Chad's and winks. The tequila burns a smooth path down Chad's throat and he sighs happily when he sets the empty glass on the bar. So far, it's been a damn good day – and the night's definitely looking even better.

"Thanks, man. I'm kinda excited about 30. Is that weird?" In fact, he'd been really looking forward to the day when he could leave his 20's – and all of his youthful fuck-ups – behind him. New decade, new start.

"Nah, 30's a good age," Jensen replies, and motions to the bartender for two more shots. "You're hitting your golden years. 'Sides, it's good that it's coinciding with your new career."

"It's not a career yet," Chad reminds him – even though he hopes like hell it will be. He hasn't been so excited about something in a really long time. "Everlast may not sell."

"It'll sell," Jensen states, with the sort of conviction that Chad takes totally to heart. He places his hand over Chad's, gently squeezes, reassuring and welcome. "It's a damn good idea, and fucking well done, if I say so myself."

Chad smiles, wide and open. There's a reason he loves Jensen – other than the complete obvious fact that the dude's freakishly beautiful and has a mouth that would tempt saints to sin. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it. We've worked really hard on it."

Jensen nods in agreement – he's been there for every decision and revision and general freak out on Chad's end. "Launch date's next month, right?"

"Yeah." Chad drums his fingers on the table as he downs his next shot. "I'm a little nervous, to be honest." His voice is raspy from the alcohol.

"So Jared keeps reminding me." Jensen knocks his shot back, then points at Chad with his beer bottle. "Says it's all you tweet about."

"Fuck," Chad groans, and bangs his hands on the bar in frustration. "I know, man, I know, but it's all I can think about." He slumps forward, presses his thigh against Jensen's to ground himself, and peers at Jensen with what he knows is far too much seriousness for the occasion. "It's like when you meet this really hot chick and you hit it off, right, and you go out a few times but you haven't slept with her yet and there's all of that anticipation and want and need and it's fucking you up inside and you can't think about anything else other than what she'll look like naked or what she'll sound like when you're buried inside her, y'know?"

Jensen cups his chin in his hand and gives Chad a considering look. "Dude, you've got it so bad."

"I know," Chad admits, with a shrug. "I have become that geek. I eat, sleep, drink and fuck comics these days."

Jensen nods, all serious and slow, then remarks: "Those paper cuts on your dick've gotta hurt when you're beating off."

It takes a second for Chad to get it, but he chuckles when he works it out. "You have no idea," he replies. "Maybe you could kiss it better."

"If you're lucky," Jensen says, with a grin.

"It is my birthday," Chad reminds him, and waggles his eyebrows.

"Good point," Jensen replies, smile turning off. "Anyway, I'm sure Everlast'll put out and be great in the sack when you finally get it alone, and I promise I won't even get jealous when it happens. And that's as far as I'm going with your analogy, so pick another topic."

"Sure." Chad wracks his brain for a second, then motions to the TV currently on ESPN. "NFL or pennant races?"

"Man, fuck the NFL, it's still pre-season, who cares," Jensen snorts, all derision and scorn. "The Rangers/Angels series is much more interesting."

Chad can't say he's surprised that Jensen wants to talk baseball right now. "This could be a make or break weekend for the team."

"The Halos are going down, dude," Jensen replies, then launches into a comparison of Vernon Wells versus Josh Hamilton and how the Phillies could go fuck themselves for stealing Cliff Lee from under the Rangers' noses. Chad just sits back and nods when needed, letting Jensen have the floor. It's good to have people that'll let you vent about your bullshit, then know it's time to talk about something else and get outside your own head. No matter what happens with the comic series, Chad knows he's a lucky S.O.B.

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