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Title: "Yen"
Pairing: Josh Hartnett/Orlando Bloom
Rating: PG
Summary: Josh has a craving.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Double drabble for Jo, who asked for Josh/Orlando, 'crisp, craving, stuffed animal'. Clearly, she hates me.

"Middle of the bleedin' night and you're deserting me for some asinine craving for crisps," Orlando grumbled, watching Josh slide on his jeans with ill-disguised annoyance. "Be lucky if I don't lock you out."

"You won't," Josh said, and twisted, pinning Orlando between his arms as he leaned in for a hard, brief kiss. "Sides, they're not crisps. They're Ruffles Potato Chips."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning they're not just crisps is what it means." Josh's head disappeared briefly as he shrugged into his t-shirt.

Orlando flopped back on the pillows and smirked. "Yeah, alright, better'n crisps. But I may just take up with someone else, since you're leaving me and all."

Josh straightened and tossed Orlando a small stuffed teddy bear. "Here, it'll keep my side of the bed warm 'til I get back."

"Where'd you get him?"

"Nicked him from Hugh and Ioan's trailer. I think one of 'em bought it for the other."

"Can't believe you're pawning off second-hand, stolen merch on me," Orlando pouted.

"I'll make it up to you," Josh promised, and with another kiss, was out the door.

Orlando snuggled up with the teddy bear. "Crazy Yank," he yawned, and tried to go back to sleep.

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