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Title: "Steam"
Pairing: Ewan McGregor/Nicolaj Coster-Waldau
Rating: NC-17
Summary: They could be the same person.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: For Corie, for this drabble challenge.

Ewan preferred to fuck Nicolaj in the bathroom after their shower. The room was cramped, crowded...and Nicolaj always had to balance one leg on tub so Ewan could angle in, push deep and hard, just the way Nicolaj liked it. There was always so much steam Nicolaj could never catch his breath, so much that they became part of it – sweaty, slick and fluid – with each thrust.

Ewan never said why he loved it here, but Nicolaj figured it must have something to do with the way the steam streaked the mirror, water droplets melding their reflections in perfect harmony.

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