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Title: "Nightmare"
Pairing: Matt Eversmann/Norm "Hoot" Gibson
Rating: PG
Summary: Don't dream. Sequel to Easier.
Disclaimer: Never happened. All rights belong to Mark Bowden, Scott Free Productions, and Columbia Pictures, not me.
Notes: For Mystisblom, for this scene challenge.

Wake up.

Matt drew in huge gulps of air as he struggled to awareness. He kicked the sheets to the foot of the bed, felt sweat trickle down his spine. His heart had kicked into over-drive, was currently knocking against his chest rabbit-fast.

"Here," and Matt took the cup pressed into his hands, drank the water in greedy gulps. He peered in the darkness at Hoot, felt the bed shift as Hoot settled back beside him. "Feel better?" Hoot asked.

"Yeah," Matt croaked. He scooted up on the pillows and rubbed a hand over his face to clear the last vestiges of sleep away. "Was I dreaming?"

"Nightmare." Hoot's voice was soft. "The Mog again."


"You've got to let it go, man. Gonna kill you if you don't."

"I know," Matt answered. "But how d'you tell your sub-conscious that?"

Matt could feel, rather than see, Hoot's smile. "Guess I'll keep waking you up, then, 'til you don't have 'em anymore."

"Glutton for punishment, man," but Matt smiled himself.

"Turn around."

Hoot slid in behind him and Matt sank into the arms around him with a small sigh. "Don't let me dream, alright?" he whispered.

The kiss Hoot placed above Matt's ear was soft. "I promise."

Onto Refuge

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