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Title: "Morning After"
Pairing: Norm "Hoot" Gibson/Todd Blackburn (Matt Eversmann)
Rating: PG
Summary: Breakfast discussion.
Disclaimer: Never happened. All rights belong to Mark Bowden, Scott Free Productions, and Columbia Pictures, not me.
Notes: For Songbirds, for this scene challenge.

"How's the kid?" Hoot asked the next morning over breakfast.

"Blackburn?" Matt broke a slide of toast in half, but put it back down on the plate. Still not much of an appetite. Wasn't sure when he'd want to eat again. "He broke his back. They're evacing him to Berlin soon as he's stable."

"Helluva mess."

"Yeah," Matt answered. He clutched his coffee mug in both hands and stared off into space.

"You alright?"

Matt shrugged. "Yeah. Fucking waste, though. Kid didn't even get to see any action, and that's all he talked about the night before."

"Suppose that makes him lucky, dunnit?"

Matt chuckled and stared down at his coffee. "Try telling that to him."

"Maybe I will. He'd probably appreciate a friendly face."

"Didn't know you two were friendly."

Hoot smiled. "Well, I guess it's time we were, then."

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