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Title: "Inspiration"
Pairing: Ewan McGregor/Josh Hartnett (Tom Hardy)
Rating: G
Summary: What inspires you?
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Birthday drabble for Cordelia.

"So, what inspires you, then?"

"Lots of things, why?"

Josh looked up, head resting on Ewan's lap, shifted more comfortably on the sofa. "Tell me some of them."

Ewan rubbed fingers along Josh's stubbled hair, pursed his lips in thought. "My kids, my wife, my work, friends…finding joy in the little things."

"So, what happens if a person can't find any inspiration?" Josh asked, pushing his head back into Ewan's hand.

"You'll find it." Ewan smiled. "You just need to have faith."

"I don't know how," Josh whispered, eyes fluttering, then settling on Tom.

Watched the world slipfocus into place.

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