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Title: "Eraser"
Pairing: Kate Bosworth/Orlando Bloom (Josh Charles, Josh Hartnett)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The sight of eyeliner shouldn't affect him.
Disclaimer: Fiction means just that.
Notes: Written for the Contrelamontre 'First line must be 'this isn't the worst moment of your life"' challenge.
Dedicated to Zarah, who wanted Dom/Orlando eyeliner fic. And got neither.
Additional notes: Josh Charles refers to himself as J.C. Fic takes place in Las Vegas, at the Cirque De Soleil 'Zumanity' after party.

"Cheer up. Not like it's the worst moment of your life."

Josh Hartnett looked up into a pair of friendly eyes. "Hey. 'Sup, J.C.?"

"Nothin', man. Here. Have a drink." J.C. pressed a glass in Josh's hand and settled beside him on the plush, brocade sofa. "Look like you could use one."

"What were you saying earlier?" Josh asked, taking the glass. Caught a glimpse of pale, slender fingers running through dark curls. Turned towards J.C., 'cause, yeah. Not staring. He was better than that.

"Said, it's not the worst moment of your life." J. C. shrugged, threw an arm across the back of the sofa. "You seemed pretty down."

"I did?"

"Yeah. Like maybe things weren't so hot."

"Things're fine."

"Take the drink anyway."

"M'not depressed," Josh mumbled, downing the rum and coke in one long swallow. He was an adult. The sight of eyeliner carelessly applied to pretty eyes shouldn't affect him. Shouldn't.

"Which one is she?" J.C. asked, gesturing at the crowd of young and toned bodies.

"It's not a girl," Josh said. "Not like that."

"Guy, then?"


"What?" J.C.'s grin was unrepentant. "You know I'm just kidding."

"Yeah." Only problem was, Josh wasn't. "Hey, you ever, like, worn eyeliner? I mean, apart from work?"

"What? You mean out clubbing or something?"


"Yeah, sure," J.C. shrugged. "Back in the day when New Wave was hip. Good times, man. All about androgyny. Why?"

"No reason," Josh said, watching Orlando's progress around the room, watched the play of leather across lean shoulders, gaze caught again by the sight of black outlining those lovely eyes. Had Kate put it on him? Tilted his chin up in a gentle grip, stubble abrading fingertips? Had she told Orlando how beautiful he looked with his eyes closed, slight flush on perfect cheekbones, lips bruised from long, slow kisses? Had she run the black pencil slowly across the crease of eyelid and lashes, somehow turning the simple act into foreplay?

Had he returned the favor for her, watched her trembling in anticipation of gentle touches and the feel of kohl on skin?

"Hey." J.C. nudged Josh with his shoulder. "Didn't you work with him once?"


"Him." J.C. nodded at Orlando -- now busy stroking the back of Kate's neck, head bent close to her ear. "Guy who replaced you as 'It' boy."

"Yeah." Josh drew the word out -- taking the extra second to compose himself. Wondered what those curls would feel like sliding through his fingers, brushing over his skin, wrapped around his cock in a silky rope. "When I knew him, he had shorter hair."

"Long suits him." J.C. unabashedly stared for another minute before turning back to Josh. "They make a cute couple. Want another drink?"


"Sure you feel alright? Looked like you winced."

"Musta pulled a muscle. I'll be fine."

And he would. Soon as he could figure out how to erase his memories.

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