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Title: "Dominance"
Pairing: Jeff Sanderson/Mike Steele
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Army foreplay.
Disclaimer: Never happened. All rights belong to Mark Bowden, Scott Free Productions, and Columbia Pictures, not me.

"Why do you always have to ride my ass in front of the men?"

"Would you prefer I ride your ass like this in front of them?"

Sanderson grunted and pushed Steele onto the cot, hips grinding and twisting. "Thought maybe I'd do the riding tonight." His eyes were alight with challenge as he flung his t-shirt on the floor, pounced.

Steele raced his hands across the muscled planes of Sanderson's chest. "Think you're up to it, Sergeant?"

Sanderson ground down again, grinned at the hot look in normally cool, assessing eyes. "Think I could take you, yeah."

"Then take."

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