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Title: "Causality"
Pairing: Jason Isaacs/William Fichtner
Rating: G
Summary: First meeting on the set of "Armageddon".
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Fic one of two for the uber-lovely, uber-luscious Jaq on the occasion of her birthday.
Jason & William were in "Armageddon" together before co-starring in "Black Hawk Down". Who knew research could be so much fun?

"Sorry...that was terribly clumsy of me. Do you need a napkin?"

William glanced up from the stain spreading across his shirt into eyes the color of a clear, summer sky. "S'alright," he yawned, scratching just below his ribcage. "Old shirt."

"At least let me get you another coffee."

The soft sounds of England flowed from the stranger's lips and William, like most Americans, was fascinated by the accent. "Yeah, sure. M'William, by the way."

Warm fingers met his in a surprisingly strong grip. William fell again into piercing eyes and a rather pleasant smile. "I'm Jason. Good to meet you."

Onto Reason

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